8-Bit Sound Effect Pack
Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 06:04
Art Type:

A pack of 76 retro video game sound effects, created using LabChirp. All WAV format.

A pack of 76 retro video game sound effects, created using LabChirp. All WAV format.
I really like these sounds for the game I'm making!
However, the contents of the zip include a file "License.txt" which states "You can use the sounds in this file for any purpose, except reselling them.". That's not the same as CC0, and is a dealbreaker for inclusion on this website if I understand your license correctly. Could you change the download so that the license does not place this restriction on users? Or are you at liberty to do that?
Sorry I'm being picky, but it's not in the site's scope to support content with non-commercial restrictions.
The idea is that it's free and not for anyone to sell as assets as is, but they can be used in commercial projects. I don't really understand how that goes against this site. It's like if I took someone else's CC0 content from here and sold it for proft on my own site.
OK, well then I think the license is a little too vague. It could say not to resell with an added emphasis on unmodified, but either way, it's not really the terms of CC0, so I don't think the license should say CC0 on this page. As for preventing reselling, I would be angry too if someone were to sell my works that I put out for free, but on the other hand, if they were sold at a sketchy website, the buyer should beware anyway.
I think you should license this as CC-BY because as it stands, I'm not sure that an OGA-approved license exists that meets your exact wishes for terms of distribution. But with CC-BY, you can at least force those that would sell your assets (and follow the license terms), to explicitly credit you, and since CC-BY also lets you specify the way credit should be given, force the reseller to link back to this page where the buyer could instead get the assets for free.
Whereas the terms of CC0 mean I could remove the restrictions of the License.txt myself, since CC0 lets me do pretty much anything, and then sell them anyway, even though I wouldn't personally do that.
I hope I'm helping and not spreading misinformation, I'm not a lawyer and this is just my personal understanding.
crecs is correct. All licenses on OGA do not forbid reselling of assets. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it allows developers to remain unhindered by people claiming the use of assets in their commercial game constitutes illegal reselling of the assets themselves, etc. Reselling assets licensed CC0 is allowed. I don't know why anyone would buy them when they can get them here for free, but it is still allowed.
Stipulating that people must not resell them inside the download is unenforceable and contradictory to the license terms.As crecs suggested, changing the license to something like CC-BY may mitigate this since anyone reselling your assets would be requried to link here, where potential buyers could get it for free.
If you would rather not allow reselling of your assets, I understand and that is your prerogative.
However, due to the conflicting stipulations, I have to mark this as having a licensing issue for now.Please let me know if you have any questions or what you decide.No response. I hope the license can be resolved, but if no update is forthcoming, I'll have to remove this submission soon.EDIT: license issue flag removed.
Thank you