4 assorted short songs

HI all,
I've been working on a pet project of my own and have been making some music for it and at the same time found some old things I did so I thought I'd put them all up here incase they are of use to someone else.
there are 4 pieces:
Lucy - an emotionalish piano solo piece that I found, might be useful as background music for an emotional scene or you might just like to listen to it. Mind you I think its quite old so its not brilliant :)
Last Life - ive added two parts as one is more easily loopable and the other is the whole song, would be good for fight scenes as its got quite a bit of bass and technoish sounds
They're Here - recent piece but not really good as its the ifrst piece I've done with vocal tracks so its quite short, good for building tension possible dungeon music, with spirt monsters or sneaking??? (:
7even Nation - named after my Game name (at the moment) I made it for use as the soundtrack at the title screen of my game, piano and drums so quite good for adventuring and backing tracks as im using it for
hope you enjoy them and can make use of them

damn it forgot to log in, this was me by the way :D enjoy
I like 7even Nation! Thank you.
Can i use this in a game?
No need to ask. Since the license is CC-BY, just credit the author. :)
You are talented indeed! Thank you for sharing. =]