3D chibi rigged model
Monday, February 3, 2014 - 11:53
Art Type:
this is a model i had for some time displayed on deviantart, but not many people saw it, so I'm also putting it here.
It's a model i did in Blender3D. It's rigged but needs much more optimization, so i will be gratefull for any tips you have on this manner.
If you liked it post a comment and also send me a message when you will do something with it :) i always like to watch how my base project are upgraded by others.

hi Pyblo!
Thank you for sharing :)
here are some hints that could improve your model:
- Recalculate the bone roll by pressing ctrl+n and then selecting the new orientation(e.g. Z-axis global)
- Renaming the bones on his right side
--> These changes make it easier to mirror poses
minor details:
- setting up seams
- parent the mesh to the armature
- rename the bone "bone" to "root" or "mother"
Hey Pyblo,
Nice anime model here! BTW, I re-rigged the model using my experimental auto-rigging tool Geppetto.
Blender G+ Post
BlenderArtist Thread
Cheers. ;-)
Tsumiki plays baseball: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mourningdovesoft.baseb... This model is nice, I'm making different textures and addons for her depending on the game she stars in.
I like the model, but am not a fan of Blender. Any way to just get it in .X format with the texture? I don't need the rig.
sorry to say this, but you can always try to export it to .X format ;) Unfortunatly only way i know would be by using blender. You know even if you don't like the software it's always good to know how to use it even a little bit.
I'm going to make a basketball and soccer anime chibi-style game. Thanks so much for this base! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.
I have to admit, I didn't like Blender mostly because I couldn't wrap my head around it. (EVERYTHING is a shortcut, and growing up in the 4 windowed view in 3DSMax, it was just foreign to me.)
This said, since then, I've spent weeks watching all the tutorials on it, and creating my own models. Finally, I was able to crank this out in a few hours: http://imgur.com/BkdYJvy
Gotta say, as daunting as it seems, I'm kicking myself for not learning Blender earlier.
Thanks for the base model and rig. You saved me a lot of time.
Anyone recognise this little gal? She's still a WIP since i have yet to add the USB tail. ^_^.
Its been about 4 months since I worked on it last.. its about time to finish up.
I thought I would let you know how I used the base model.