32x32 maze spritesheet
I had a finished maze game with a level editor years ago, but never polished it. I think no more than 20 people ever knew it existed. Since I don't see anything ever happening with it, here are the sprites that were used in case someone finds them useful.
For your sanity, this is what these are, from top left to bottom right:
- wall borders the maze, blocks most things, enemies bounce off it, lasers fizzle out on it
- laser bullet damages characters
- thaw thaws characters (they can be frozen, meaning you can't move them)
- stairs up/down ascend or descend a level of the maze
- lock acts like a wall until opened with a key of the same color (render w/ colorblending)
- heart gives the character that walks into it all life back
- ice characters cannot move while actively sliding across ice, but once stopped, they can
- floor covers the whole maze
- turret side/down fires lasers
- panel undepressed activates things like gates when or while stood upon
- panel depressed appearance when stood upon
- panel disabled (undepressed/depressed)
- spawner when activated, creates a specific object adjacent to the cleft if possible
- set related levels levels are saved as text files, this sets a chain of levels in the editor
- laser mirrors bounces laser bullets at 90 degrees
- turret side/down disabled
- teleporter on/disabled teleports objects/characters to associated receiver nodes
- receiver on/disabled receives objects/characters at this location when teleported
- spawner disabled
- rotate an indicator that sits over tiles. Clicking will rotate the tile beneath
- one-way active/disabled things can only move on or off in the indicated direction
- two-way active/disabled
- spike ball damages characters
- gate open/closed things can only pass through while open. Can't close if a solid object blocks it
- goal getting one or all characters on the goal line wins the level
- key opens the same-color lock (render w/ colorblending)
- pusher when activated, pushes the adjacent block over by one, if possible
- cardinal/orthogonal enemy bouncing spiked objects that damage characters when bouncing off them
- heart gives the character that walks into it some life back
- light just glows while activated, for maze decoration
- actuator off (gray)
- actuator on (yellow) activates associated objects on a custom interval, e.g. lights
- goal star some levels would require an amount of stars before letting players win
- freeze stops a character that touches it from moving
- crate hole empty acts like a wall until filled
- crate hole filled Acts like floor. The crate pushed into the hole is deleted of course
- unknown maze object Turns into a specific maze object permanently when activated
- crate characters can push these onto unoccupied tiles (no pushing 2+ crates at once). Crates against walls act solid
- broken crate When activated, the crate breaks to reveal a specific object (if one exists)
- coin Used to open coin locks (a lock with smaller coin icon over it), like paying a fee to pass
- character disabled/enabled The character. Fairly generic
- checkpoint losing the level results in reverting to last checkpoint instead of fully restarting
- conveyor automatically moves objects along. Unlike ice, can't move if a conveyor presses against a solid object
These were all rendered in Blender and shrunk, with a few tweaks and exceptions. Note that the pusher is a 32x64 tile (talking about the only thing that touches the right side of the spritesheet). Everything else is 32x32.

That spike ball and the spinny things look useful.
Forgot about this site for a bit. The spiky ball sprite is best used by rotating it about its center while it animates, which works very well.
This spritesheet was compiled some time ago and apparently I didn't have the animation for the thaw sprite, just a still shot. That's been updated.