2 additional Orc Parts
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 20:52
Art Type:
I used the updated sprites from SpriteAttack here.
I made a demo project using sprites from a SpriteAttacks block dummy collection - when I decided to use this Orc instead.
It was just missing crouch and jump, I added these 2 96x96 pngs to the outlined version.
Perhaps SpriteAttack can put together some proper versions - this is my first submission and I am not an artist. :) [Note: I used Pinta to modify/create these]
I am happy enough with the results though.
Hopefully someone else can use them.
License is as per the original. (follow the links above to check).
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
as per the original ( SpriteAttack listed it as CC-BY-SA 3.0 )