16x16 Mushrooms in Red, Green, Blue & Yellow
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 - 16:16
Art Type:
32x32 spritesheet of four 16x16 mushrooms in red, green, blue and yellow with shading. Hopefully an improvement of my original mushroom, which can be found here. If you use these in your game, please show me what you have done! Enjoy.

Nice work! :D
Thank you! I'm just getting into pixel art, this is my first shading. I changed the colors of the caps by switching the hue of the color to 0 for red, 50 for yellow, 100 for green, and 200 for blue. Unfortunately, I had to do each shade individually, which was sort of a pain. Other than that, I'm quite pleased with how they turned out! :D
Great job, even I'm approaching now to draw in pixel art style, it is really very difficult and takes so long it seems very easy to see ' download Now ' but to compose an art in style pixel art is required an iron patience, congratulations.
Wow, thanks!