10 Basic Message Boxes
Friday, April 2, 2010 - 17:16
Art Type:
- !CO Assets
- 08. Pixel Art - UI
- 2D RPG: Anti Fantasy
- 2D::UI/HUD/Skin
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- CF Inspiration
- Field Guardians
- Fruit Farm Idle
- game
- Hero's Gauntlet
- Mysterious Sprites and House/Mansion Parts
- neocities
- Pool: GUI (GDN)
- Possible assets for Princess Fighter
- Potential Assets
- resources
- RPG Test
- Used in Valyria tear
- User Interface
- User Interface (UI) Art Collection
- Voyage UI
Some basic Message boxes to be used for dialogue in rpg games. They can be edited as much as you like, including resizing, recoloring, applying fillers inside, altering the borders, etc... they also can be used as menu interfaces or more commonly called "windowskins".
As you can see there are two of the same kind, one with a simple color used while some others have simple patterns like squared lines inside, etc. They are made simple specifically so people can build their own complex ones from them using them as a base.
If you use this you must credit CharlesGabriel and link back to CGArtsenal.

OGA doesn't normally permit noncommercial (NC) license material on OGA. The CC-BY-NC logo is on this message box .png. If you want it published as CC-BY, can you update that .png file to reflect this license? Thanks!
fpunked: No problem. Changed the .png file, you can download it again, this time it can be used commercially - attribution - share alike 3.0.
Your title says 10, but there are 22!
Thanks! That was a lot more than I expected.
It's actually 10 lol, the 12 extra ones are simple variations from those 10 to give people an idea of what they can make. :)
Just a suggestion: try not to use patterns so you don't get moire effects. It would be better to use a "middletone".
Another idea: instead of using PNG, use some other layered format, so you can change colors by just adding another layer or changing layer colors.
Thanks for the input Moire. Those are just extra patterns so people have more variety, whoever uses them have to make their own pattern to make them cooler. I cannot use another format unfourtunately, the program that I use only support .png and .bmp files... it also doesn't support layers, not to mention I don't ever work with layers.
I use this program, charamaker1999 which was made specifically for videogame pixel art, mostly for RPG stuff but you can pretty much do anything on it... here is a video of an sprite being made using the program.
Artwork by Abysswolf:
You could use GIMP. Or, if money allows, Photoshop.
Could you clarify what is CGArtsenal that you are referring to and Antifaria mentioned in the .png file?