Isometric Modern House
Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 01:55
Art Type:
A modern house for your isometric rpg game.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You must attribute me, if you are using this.*

A modern house for your isometric rpg game.
If someone says that I`m creator and that I`m requesting something like attribute for this remind me to shake self with air and send 5 billions in weapons to Siera Leone and to blow up head of some monkey with Magnum 357, just to prove that Jagged Alliance game is so bad. OK, just joking, good work and keep it up, but we need more, more, more in one pack(Do not comment, make it yourself or something as excuse), ha ha :)
it's a nice art in general but the lines are often not perfectly 2:1 diagonal, which makes them look bumpy and uneven, commonly known as jaggies
here's my attempt at cleaning it up (i hereby place my modifications under cc0), i'm not sure what to do about the inner walls of the ceiling though (could just drop the lower lines down a pixel but i'm not super sure about that)
-Thanks to Hecko correction now we have an beautiful hotel complex.