7 Days of Sorcery (Full Album)

Following the release of some of my older albums for use, I have decided to release "7 Days of Sorcery" for you all to use. This album was an experiment/challenge to see if I could produce a full album/soundtrack in the span of a single week. It's not my best work, but I had fun creating it and think some of you may find it useful. I do not intend to release the flp project files for this one.
If you're feeling generous, include my official spotify release link of the music. https://open.spotify.com/album/2qnDkDBCa0u82n83dlgOnj
The album art (not included in this download) is an edited version (changed color overlay, scale, and title added) of Necromancer by Kirill777
https://opengameart.org/content/necromancer and was used with the following license.

I feel almost like giving away my booty by saying:
This Album is absolutly genius, its crazy good!
I routinely listen to it almost every week since you released it here. If it did not change me for the better, then it made me badshit crazy... about your 8bit music skills! I will definitly use it and if just to sleep better or wake up faster. Praise the LORD and evaporate the devil to stupidity, how am I the first one to favorite this fr!ck!ng masterpiece ? !
Dancing Necromancer your Destiny Calls !
THIS IS SUCH A BANGER ALBUM!!!! I used some of the tracks in my new game, Nim's Sin Removal Service :)
Thank you so much for releasing this, and I hope you're having a good day whenever and wherever you are :D