CC0 Remakes
Saturday, March 18, 2023 - 20:00
Art Type:

This is where any other CC0 remakes will end up.
If you want me to remake one of your works, just PM me and provide an MIDI file on the submission. I update this whenever I find a cool song I can really edit, so if you have any song you want done, just tell me!
Note: All those who own songs that I've edited are added as collaborators at the left. If you click on the link to their user page, you can find the original songs these were based off of.
If you are a collaborator to this submission, feel free to add your own remakes to this pack; just make sure that the original song was licensed CC0!

There appears to be licensing issues with a few of these.
The orignal "Little Town" was released under the follwing licenses:
GPL 2.0
GPL 3.0
CC-BY-SA 3.0
Final Boss Battle:
CC-BY 4.0
CC-BY 3.0
Waltz of the ghosts:
CC-BY 4.0
OGA-BY 3.0
These 3 can't be licensed cc0.
The others look clean.
Oh... Thanks! totally forgot about that!
Which means only the common license can be used. In this case CC-BY-SA 4.0... Unless those songs are removed from this submission and shared in separate submissions with those licenses.Listing multiple licenses means any one of the licenses can be applied to everything in the submission. It does not mean that all licenses can applied to various parts.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Fixed. Thanks for looking into that guys!
These songs are AMAZING. the MOOD, thank you for sharing them
Awesome! Thanks for sharing these great tracks.
-How I missed this, man.
Awesome lens on the originals. An improvement!
Thank you all for your compliments!
<3 the snow globe remake! Best ice-cave music, IMO.