LPC Character animations: push and carry
The attached file contains a modified walkcycle for the LPC male character, intended to be used as a "push" and "carry overhead" animation.
Each animation consists of a 1-frame idle "animation" and an 8-frame walkcycle.
The "push" animation is meant to follow up on the "grab" animation by Daniel Eddeland. In fact, the last frame of the grab animation doubles as the idle frame for the push animation.
Included in the attached file:
- push and carry walkcycles for the male base (should be easy to recolour using a palette-swap).
- An armless walkcycle that was used as the basis for the modified animations.
- The arms from both animations on a separate sheet.
- Pants, longsleeve shirt, shoes, plain hair and tunic in a single colour (these should be easy to recolour with a palette-swap).
- Above clothing items for the "grab" animation.
- Tunic for the "jump" animation by Durrani as modified by Eliza Wyatt (https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-jump-expanded); this is a bit random but I thought I'd throw it in there since I had it.
About compatibility with existing assets:
- Shoes should be the same as the normal walk cycle.
- Headgear from the normal walkcycle should fit the "push" animation.
- Headgear from the normal walkcycle should fit the "carry" animation if the arms are cut out where needed.
- Legwear can be taken from the normal walkcycle, but probably has cut-outs in the wrong place that need to be filled in. The included arm sheets can be used to make new cut-outs where needed.
- Torso items will need to be modified for the new arm positions and cut-outs.
About licensing: I'd love to make this OGA-BY, but to the best of my knowledge the originals these are derived from do not include that licence. Do let me know if that is incorrect.
Version for female base sprite is planned, I will update this entry when I have finished it.
The preview image contains tiles from tiles from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-containers and https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-floors
- Male body by Stephen Challener (Redshrike), Johannes Sjölund (wulax). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites - Male body grab by Daniel Eddeland (daneeklu). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-and-ui-elements - Hair by by Manuel Riecke (MrBeast), Joe White. License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.
https://opengameart.org/content/ponytail-and-plain-hairstyles - Longsleeve shirt by by Johannes Sjölund (wulax). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites - Green tunic by by Michael Whitlock (bigbeargames), Matthew Krohn (makrohn), Johannes Sjölund (wulax). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0. recolor of torso/plate/chest_female.png
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-combat-armor-for-women - Pants by bluecarrot16, David Conway Jr. (JaidynReiman), Joe White, Matthew Krohn (makrohn), Johannes Sjölund (wulax). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites - Shoes by Johannes Sjölund (wulax). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.

This is great! I love how you separated the arms so that both push and carry use the same basic arm-less walk. I guess the next logical step is to make "walk arms {above,behind}.png" that transform your arm-less base back into the walk animation?
I'm not sure I understand the relationship between this animation and daneeklu's "grab". Is the idea that you play grab 0, grab 1, {push 0, push 1, ... push 7, push 0, push 1, ...}?
Interesting point about the arms for the regular walk cycle. I hadn't thought of that, but you're right: it would make sense to have those too. Note that neither the arms nor the walk are entirely "clean".
The grab is a transition to the push. The order is "grab 0 = normal idle", "grab 1", "grab 2 = push idle", {"push 1", ... "push 8", "push 1" ...}. Push 0 is an idle frame. So in a sense the grab animation is now just a single transition frame between two idle states...
"About licensing: I'd love to make this OGA-BY, but to the best of my knowledge the originals these are derived from do not include that licence. Do let me know if that is incorrect."
Heh, okay. I was just forwarded to these assets. I have dug into all of this and yes, the base assets are in OGA-BY. MedicineStorm reached out to a lot of people asking for confirmation on this. That being said, MANY creators early on supported the ability for their assets to be usable in DRM environments (basically Steam / Mobile) long before OGA-BY existed anyway. Including Redshrike and Wulax.
It'd be great if this did have OGA-BY support, then I could add them to the Expanded ULPC and start filling out animation frames for various assets:
Keep in mind, only the body model itself is OGA-BY. I'm not aware of the rest of the assets, we'd have to check them on a case-by-case basis.
As far as I am aware, Redshrike, Wulax, and Makrohn added support for OGA-BY, as have I. Daneeklu I haven't seen any evidence did, while Joe White I don't know. But IMO the most important thing is the body models anyway.
EDIT: I see, so Grab is by Daneeklu. Yeah, that's where the blocker is for that one.
As for the body models:
I -think- Pregnant and Muscular do not support OGA-BY. Male, Female, and "Teen" all do.
I'll bookmark this for later. I thought I saw Push/Carry/Pull a while back, but I couldn't find it earlier.