Evil Dungeon Asset Pack
Thursday, March 10, 2022 - 06:47
Art Type:
This is my original pixel art tileset, 'Evil Dungeon'. You can use it to build creepy, dark dungeons and crypts for your game project. The Tile size is 32x32 pixels.
The tilesheets were made and formated for RPG-Maker XP, but you are free to edit them for your needs and use the set in any engine. If you need help or a different formating, especially concerning the ground tiles that are laid out in the RPG-Maker "autotile"-way, feel free to message me.
- Basic tileset with wall and ground tiles, a door and decoration
- animated tiles for water or blood drains
- animated sprite of a demon head shaped water/blood fountain
- animated spike trap sprite
- animated swinging blade trap sprite
- animated floor button
- 4-directional animated giant rat sprite
- animated satanic ritual pentagram
- animated floating demon
- 4-directional animated minotaur guard sprite (plus a version with an axe)
You can check out more of my free assets here: Aurora-Sprites
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You are also allowed to share and repost my assets (or edits thereof) as long as you credit me and provide a link that leads back here or to my homepage.

Very useful...
oh snap. this is right up my alley, i do love the evil stuff. nice work.
Thanks guys, glad you like my pixels :)
This is epic! It looks to be compatible with LPC assets. If you tag it with "lpc" and "2022" you could enter this submission into the current art contest. Details on the home page.
That minotaur! These are amazing!
Thanks! I am not sure my tiles are 100% compatible with LPC as they are now. I'd probably need to at least fiddle with the colours first. Maybe I will make a LPC recolour version so people who use LPC can use them more easily...
Thanks for the heads up :)
Dude, I just checked out your website, you have some amazing stuff! I hope you'll consider posting the rest here! On the topic of recoloring to fit with LPC, I did an LPC recolor of your tree stump.
Hey thanks! I appreciate it!
I think strictly speaking LPC tiles are supposed to have a darker lineout, right? So most (if not all) of my 32x32 tiles would have to be strongly edited to fit. And I don't really have the motivation to do that with like 3 years worth of my old pixel art. But you're welcome to grab any of my assets that you like and edit it to fit your needs.
I will definitely be posting more of my assets here, I am just trying to figure out which assets to put in a bundle and which ones to post on their own.
Good job
This is really high quality stuff! I agree with the suggestion that this could fit the LPC style nicely with some minor edits. Darkening the outlines and reducing the internal contrast in some places as you suggest.
I really hope you would consider releasing some of the other work on your website under a Creative Commons license (this would not be much different than the permissions you have already granted, just standardized and clear in a way most everyone understands). Even if you don't feel like editing the tiles, someone else certainly might!
Thanks again, and keep it up!
Thank you! I am really glad people seem to like my pixels.
I will definitely add more of my assets on this site so people have easier access to it. And I agree, CC licenses are neat and standardizes. I can't imagine the hassle of making a game and using 20 artist's asstes, each with their own restrictions.
So yeah, more coming soon. Just have to figure out which assets to put together to make a pack and which ones to upload single file. Plus I have a LOT of WIP stuff and I am not sure I want to add another place I have to edit with each update. So WIP stuff will probably stay on my homepage and Discord for now.
You could make a forum thread for your WIP assets, that way people can see your progress and download them from there.
I think Sevarihk is saying they don't want another place to post WIP updates, in addition to their existing other places. Which I understand :p I also understand the struggle to decide how to arrange things together and what to post. It's something I spend (waste) a lot of time worrying about. Personally, I'm trying to focus on just posting things earlier/more often, rather than letting the perfect be the enemy of the good... there's always the "Edit" button ;-)
Another option, if you feel comfortable with it, would be to just change the terms on your website to say everything is available under a CC-BY 4.0 license. Then others will feel welcome to use and make things with your art, even if you don't get around to uploading it to OGA right away!
these are great stuff!! can use these on my commercial project? i'm going to credit you on the credit scene of course
Thank you, I appreciate it. Yes, you can use my assets in commercial projects :)