CC0 UI for RPG Maker VX Ace
Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 13:58
Art Type:
A CC0 replacement for the RPG Maker UI graphic. Everything is from scratch except for the arrows, which are from Pixel UI/HUD Pack. The style is a little bit different, but it will drop right in.
I know there are lots out there, but this one is free of all copyright restrictions, with no ambiguity of status.
Part of a FOSS replacement RTP that never got off the ground. I've decided to release what I have finished, which is admittedly not much.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

Thanks for sharing!
If anyone needs CC0 UI for RPG Maker VX (Ace), I'm attaching my wooden UI. Note that it was created for RPG Maker VX (not Ace) so it is not guaranteed to play well with VX Ace's recolouring feature. It's also CC0, I've made it myself. The tree texture of the background was based on a CC0 photo.
(I feel it's too small to warrant a separate submission, but if someone ever makes a submission with CC0 RM graphics, feel free to include mine.)