How to make grassland cliff faces for the missing ↑ → ↓ ← angles?
How to create new 3D renders of new ↑ → ↓ ← angles to match (and or add on to) the preexisting grassland cliffs (rendered with ↗ ↘ ↙ ↖ angles) from Clint Bellanger ( ) but with 4 more angles so we end up with 8 angles (up from 4). For the cliff faces as in like this but with cliff faces including tops, bottoms / connection transition tiles and also corners (for both cliff styles 'smooth' and 'rough'): . I ask for I want to create a castle atop a ridge / bluff and it looks a bit weird with the zig zag corners from only having 4 rendered faces of the cliffs. Also if I can pull this off everyone else gets to use the files and everyone else's games would like better so everyone could win :-).
Basically I am trying to also find the light angle / render settings / looking for a (blender) rendering rig used by Flare tilesets (for making the new tiles match the old tiles) to make a new Castle tileset series of assets recycled from this old project of mine: (yet with each component improved before rendering in 8 angles). I am hoping to get 8 angles for each Castle component to make a big castle that does not look weird.
Although right now the cliffs look weird with only 4 angles and and zig zag corners. I hope that 4 more new missing cliff face angles can be rendered to make the grassland cliff faces have the ~'full' range of 8 rendered angles. I wonder if the cliffs are a case of taking the .blend files and rotating my 45 degrees (with the same light angel rig) and render that and rotate by 90 degrees after; and do that 3 more time to get 4 more angles to get the complete 8 angles for the cliffs?
The 3d base models are somewhere into OGA, you can render those missing angles using them.
Okay, tinker time:-P.
Clint has this automatic render animation where each 3d tile is rotated rendered in 4 directions and the swapped for the next one. If I can only figure out how to change the render angle by 45 degrees for the animations on grassland_walls.blend in blender 2.79 I should be golden?
Addendum: Render script
I want some objects to have sprites facing 8 different directions (up/down/left/right and diagonals). This script will render the current Animation for each direction. It works by having an Empty object renamed to "RenderPlatform", with any rotating objects parented to it (usually lights and camera).
import bpy
from math import radians
angle = -45
axis = 2 # z-axis
platform =["RenderPlatform"]
original_path =[0].render.filepath
for i in range(0,8):
# rotate the render platform and all children
temp_rot = platform.rotation_euler
temp_rot[axis] = temp_rot[axis] - radians(angle)
platform.rotation_euler = temp_rot;
# set the filename direction prefix[0].render.filepath = original_path + str(i)
# render animation for this direction
bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True)[0].render.filepath = original_path
So how does one do this in blender? I am a bit a bit currently puzzled as to how to implement this script. With -> -> grassland -> grassland_walls.blend (in blender 2.79)? Any pointers / steps I should take to connect this script to the grassland_walls.blend to successfully render in 8 directions if possible? The dual wielding animations took myself some time to figure out and I think this is no different but if it does work out then this could changed Flare in a big way.
"It works by having an Empty object renamed to "RenderPlatform", with any rotating objects parented to it (usually lights and camera)." How do I do that properly? I sure can do it wrong XD.
I got the grassland_walls.blend to render animation -> save all images and it produced a tileset of all of the regular (same as before) cliff angles. I wonder how I can tinker with the script(s)? Or just get the 8 render direct script to work.
Maybe importing into a creature blend? That way you should get all faces needed, just set the frames to 1
I might just cut down blender render rig to use manual angle rotations and hopefully see if the render image matches the rest of the Flare tiles in lighting. I am still not good at blender but I hope that I can still be productive. Either way I plan to still render my asset tiles to hopefully match the Flare lighting (or very close if all else fails); so I should get a castle tileset sometime in 2022 if things keep staying productive.
I am trying to find ways to be productive as one person while still learning what I am doing. I find it a bit crazy how the grassland tileset (made by Clint Bellanger) was released exactly a decade ago [5th / 12 (December) / 2011 to today 30th / 12 (December) / 2021] and there is still (albeit very limited) development progress being made so far. I hope to build more assets to bring Flare from a kind of niche small scale Diablo-like game engine into a bigger scale game building opportunity with more elements supported from other classic grand scale western R.P.G.s. in 2022 (or as much as I reasonably can help realize).
I have a lot of other projects in real life as well. Yet making a very good video game that is (hopefully) commercially viable is a dream I wish to finally realize after ~3 decades / 2000's - 2020's of working on similar kinds of video games. It feels very fulfilling to be working towards making my own video games finally :-D!
4+4 Solved: