Orange Pit Trap
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 - 07:48
Art Type:
Cropped and recolored version of "Bomb Launcher" by devnewton. I modified the original for use in Slash Racer, and this submission is for compliance with the ShareAlike license.
Regarding the required attribution notice: if the medium containing the attribution supports it, the '' URL can be hyperlinked to my name and does not need to be written out.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"Orange Pit Trap" by Sean Kleinjung (
Modified from 'bomb launcher' by devnewton (
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

To be compliant with CC-BY-SA, you need to list the original author in the Attribution Notice section as well.
Updated it. It would be really handy if the proper way to do all this was made more clear by the license authors. :/
On a site like this, a built-in way to properly credit the original work if its on the same site would be useful as well. Ah well. Thanks for the heads up.
Indeed. If only there were a FAQ section outlining exactly that.
I was referring to a feature where the "original" could be selected during submission, and have the attribution populated correctly automatically. Just musing about something that seemed like it would be useful, although it's probably not worth the effort when people likely have more important things to do.
At any rate, thanks for the assistance!