How to make grassland hills, slopes, ramps and stairs?
How to make grassland hills, slopes, ramps and stairs?
I am trying to figure out how to get hills, slopes, ramps and stair tiles to match the Grassland tileset by Clint Bellanger . Also the snow tileset and other tilesets should also have hills, slopes, ramps and stairs to match the grassland. An example could be these: and or this + + + .
Although right now I am trying to get version 1.0 working with grassland tiles for hills, slopes, ramps and stairs; any suggestions?
most of my google searching basically talks about giving each tile a height property and identifying slope tiles that calculate angle based on tile height.
There is this
and this seems relevent too
This looks relevant although I don't know / don't have confidence that Flare has tile + avatar height value system. I know Baldur's Gate and Age of Empires I and II has the system of height and avatar values for tiles you have shown. I think even some basic steps could work; even without a system of height and avatar values for tiles in the Flare engine. Although I think that it would be better to have more natural looking tile options for building hills, slopes, ramps and stairs for all of the Flare tilesets.
I think flare does not support stairs or slopes.when encountering stairs in flare it warps you doesnt it instead of climbing the stairs. I think this is something you would have to add support of yourself. This is whjy I linked those two things because I thought you wanted to add support for it yourself.
I worked with RPG Maker MV (and older from RPG Makers possibly 95 / 2k / 2003 / XP+) and the base versions of those game engines don't support avatar / tile height values but they do an illusion like with the Legend of Zelda 1986 dungeons with their item basement levels ( bow room). As where the tiles give an illusion of height but in reality it is an optical illusion. I think something like this can be achieved in the Flare engine if there existed the graphical tiles to support such a hill, slope, ramp and stairs ~'optical illusion'. More testing is needed; iterate, iterate, iterate.
Yeah, Flare treats everything as a flat plane, maybe you can fool human perception like those weird Penrose stairs do.
I hope so. I am planning on building a castle on a small; 'bluff' / raised hill and I figure that I could use somekind of stairs to climb the two elevated levels; one for the outer ridge for the walls, and a second one for inner ridge for the ward and keep.
You see this is the entrance to the Lindisfarne Castle a 16th-century castle located on Holy Island, near Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England Located in the reaving lands between England and Scotland.
Notice the ramp that goes up the 'bluff' / cliff in a switchback manner and does not use stairs but a smooth ascending stone paved road up to supply the castle for hundreds of years?
Now I can't build a proper castle if I can't have a proper way for carts and supply wagons to get up to the castle keep. Stairs don't make sense so I need to find a way to get the cliff faces to make a shallow ramp / triangle cut to create a shallow enough slope to pull supply carts and wagons up. It does not need to be fancy; it just needs to make sense with itself in a world context.
We all like swords and castles but there are lessons they teach when you try to understand how they were demanded, planned, constructed, renovated and operated in a middle ages kind of context. Thus I need to get some slopes, ramps for the hills (and hopefully more than just stairs) to build a proper castle / large settlement atop of a hill, cliff, bluff and or mountain.
Hmmn, I need to find a solution with the cliffs; maybe a shallow angled 'triangle' cut on mirrored in both directions to give an illusion of a slope at least a switchback slope to ascend a cliff face.
I might have to build this tileset feature of hills, slopes, ramps and probably stairs myself if I can't find help nor community interest.
I tried to do a multilayer mountain/cliff in my Wyvern clan map but failed totally, Flare is not good for that, so i settled for a semi illusion. But if its only an access ramp, you can model the whole thing and stuff it into Flare, just be careful where you put the collision zones; you migth also have to be imaginative and just create the access ramp to link with a separate courtyard map or split the whole castle into chunks Flare can handle and sticht together into Tiled.
"I tried to do a multilayer mountain/cliff in my Wyvern clan map but failed totally, Flare is not good for that, so i settled for a semi illusion." -Danimal
May you elaborate?
I succeeded in making multi-layering work for my test maps; but only after crashing head first over and over into brick walls until something had to give. Thankfully it was finding a way to do multi-layering area tile set art in Flare successfully XD. Look carefully at this area map's construction in Tiled.exe.
You only employ it into the vertical axis so it doesn´t give you any problems; i tried to do an ascending mountain path and it glitched badly. It had 8 layers, i had to erase them all and just use the normal ones.
Did you save any prototypes / work progress for this kind of ascending mountain path? I have a whole bunch of failed areas I save for documenting and I kind of feel bad if I lose old work so I keep it around if I can. These slopes / ramps / hills and stairs could prove really difficult to master without a bunch of trial and error and I suppose if a break through can be made with the open source Flare tileset; everyone can benefit.
Sorry, i erased them; the base map was still usable so I just removed all extra layers.
How many layers did you try to use? How did it fail? What could be a potential solution to learn from these failed experiments? Failure can eventually lead to success.
Bingo, Bango: Ramps!
cool. its just an illusion right. It looks fairly conviencing. especially with the cliffs as a dropoff. it does look like youre on a upper level.
You can make it less prominent/linear by looking how it was done in other isometric games, for example Icewind Dale:
(Warning, images are rather big - 3840x2880)
Icewind Dale's scenery and terrain isn't based on isometric tiled environments. It's huge prerendered scenes with isometric collision masking applied to it. I imagine it could be difficult to translate that effect in the FLARE engine, but I get the point; a more rugged, randomized edge on the slope may make it look more natural.
--Medicine Storm
How did you do it? just a path painted over a top layer? Now everyone can use grassland hills, slopes and ramps.
The Infinity Engine (the game engine that runs Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale) background / area art for an area is effectively one giant tile that can be digitally painted by hand. I was working on an Expansion for Baldur's Gate as a super module with new areas that I was painstakingly making by hand.
Then I realized I cannot realistically grow and justify the insane amount of hours of highly skilled labour anyway with making a Baldur's Gate Expansion. For the outcome was a gamble and the odds were heavily against myself in that I could (in more cases than not) get sued and make negative money for all that insane amount of work. Then also even after being potentially sued I could be supporting the people who could sue myself for they technically own the legal intellectual rights to my derivative work in making a passion project.
Here are just a few examples of my Frozen Baldur's Gate Expansion Pack. Perhaps after I make my own games I might be in a better spot. Although hopefully I can make a better game regardless; and succeed the quality of game player offered to the players in games worth playing.
So I froze my passion project, restructured my video game production plans and this lead myself going back to open source video game production. I eventually went full circle making area art here on Open Game Art for the community to use forever free and empower people creatively. I am currently trying to back-port all of my previous game work and content elements / features into my own game being built with the Flare Engine. Where I have the legal rights to be able sell my own work toward building my own video game set in my own medieval fantasy universe; a setting that I have full legal rights. So that I can stop being a modder for 3 decades and to finally work on my own video games where I can work towards a commercially viable game that hopefully will be worth playing.
Here, I made it less sharp, although it can be done even better with more noise/transparency:
That is cool, it looks like what I had in mind to make a ~'version 2.0' / improved where it blends better. Buttons you could put that version on the Open Game Art gallery page to better share it / more people might find it.
Ideally it should be remade in 3D, because what I did is more a quick solution - I simply took top edge from top-left ramp and rotated it for top-right ramp, then mirrored for others. As the result it looks non-unique and cheap.
Just include it into your submission if you like it more. I give permission, if it's required.
I am currently (in the background) 'roughing out' critical geographic features that core gameplay / world building ehh, ~'systems'(?) or better perhaps said as, world experiences rely on.
For example Castles in real life history (the most real as it gets) ideally practiced hills and slopes for defense and also ate a lot of resources. Said resources / supplies needed to be transported in bulk to said Castles and thus the wagon and or cart needs traversable slopes to justify the existence of a castle in the long term. Also I must craft a world without the story of said Castle being too alien and thus failing expectations of what medieval fantasy arguably *should* be about: A living medieval world with extra features and aspects that appeal to our collective tastes. Also waterfalls are cool so I added those a while back.
I am hoping to get ~4/5 on the roughed out aspects to work as prototypes to hopefully later polish up to ~9/10 or beyond. So bit by bit, iterate, iterate, iterate. Also thank you for the permission:-).