[LPC] Troughs Expanded
This pack builds on the foundation of previous LPC works to expand their flexibility - Troughs filled with water and oil, originally from Bluecarrot16's Blacksmith pack and ElizaWy's LPC Revised repository, have received empty and half-full versions. A texture atlas with all versions is also included.
To see more of my work and socials or to commission something, here is my list of links: https://croomfolk.carrd.co/
Tip jar: https://ko-fi.com/yurinikolai
Original troughs by bluecarrot16 - https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-blacksmith
(Co-licensed as OGA-BY 3.0, CC-BY 3.0+, and GPL 2.0+)
Edited and recoloured by ElizaWy - https://github.com/ElizaWy/LPC
Liberated Palette created by ElizaWy
Empty and half-full versions by YuriNikolai - https://opengameart.org/users/yurinikolai
This version also uses the Liberated Palette

Nice! Oil is an insteresting idea, the half filled troughs would be really useful for a farming game where you have to feed the animals.
Oil is actually the correct material for smithing!
Quenching a hot blade in water produces a too-rapid heat change, and it introduces stress fractures in the metal. So smiths actually use barrels or troughs of oil.
Interesting! I've never heard of that! I've always assumed it was water.
eliza dis you?
As if I would be so careless to have long, loose hair by a forge! You know how far those sparks fly when you hammer on red-hot steel?? :D