Overhead Action RPG Characters
Monday, March 30, 2015 - 10:23
Art Type:
- 16x16 chibi rogue-like
- 2D - Complete Characters
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- A pixel art collection. Part two.
- Animals, Creatures, Critters, Mobs, and More!
- Animated top down creatures.
- Antur Resources
- Area tokens (PixelArt)
- Asteria
- AW
- Characters
- CSS RMMV Roguelike
- LegendOfMomo
- OGA Assets used in Dunjin Crul
- PickUp
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- Project: ZeC
- Sprites
- Top Down 2D JRPG 16x16 Characters Art Collection
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Characters Art Collection
- top down zelda-like
- Zelda Like RPG
This spriteset was created for overhead action RPGs. The universe is Punk Rock Star Wars Zelda Adventure Time. This was released for GameJolt's April#FemaleLinkJam. Any resemblences in this set to any characters not owned by me, interdimensional_ , are purely coincidence. I don't even like Zelda. There aren't enough ladies in games. Go make games!
Note: This spriteset will get bigger as the project gets bigger. At the moment there are 22 animated characters and enemies with more to come. Stay tuned!
Note 2: I love Zelda.
Update 12/19/2016: added another hero file to the list. Please check it out! Thanks.

I dont like the palette, but the animations & desings are fantastic!
Really nice work :)
I created a matching set of Zelda inspired items here:
I added a few more characters. I think I'm going to upgrade some of the sprites to 5 colors, too.
I suspect there is a potential for trademark issues here. I'm not going to tag it myself but it probably merits some further examination.
Aww shrike, why you gotta hate?
"you hate", the popular blanket defense against valid criticism and concern
it's very clearly derived from Nintendo property even if it's drawn from scratch and allegedly 'inspired'. You still blatantly call it "Link" even.
Artwork at OpenGameArt must be unencumbered in every way as to not get anyone in trouble Nintendo recently C&D'd an obvious Mario64 recreation lately, so don't count on them having a blind eye on a Link game jam contest.
The same goes for the items pack
it's still clearly painting Zelda 1 "by the numbers"
Ok. Can we get a moderator to sort this? #FemaleLinkJam is important to me, so I'd like to sort out rules out quickly and find a different host if this is not OGA's jam. Thanks.
If I didn't like it, I would have already tagged it. Delaying tagging it because I like it is probably bad policy, but I like it enough that I'd much rather we sort it out without that. And anyway, I'm just a volunteer mod. But as undesired said (if perhaps a bit bluntly) the point of this site is to offer game art which is free of copyright and trademark encumbrances. The entire point is that this is art you can use with permission from all rightsholders with no legal issues, provided you follow the license as specified. Is that the case here? As submitted, I hate to say it but it isn't.
I doubt Nintendo would mind a game jam enough to officially notice it. But art here should be usable in any kind of project, including commerical ones. If someone used it in that context there's no way they wouldn't be cease-and-desisted, and rightfully so.
But I think there's enough original work here that it isn't unfixable by any means. (I assume that these are entirely by you, just based on the external concept work?) Is there any way you could edit the Link-like sprites to not be so explicit?
@interdimensions: Just to add to what Redshrike said, the issue is that the sprites could so easily be mistaken for the actual Link. That's what create the trademark problem. But shouldn't be too hard to remedy. Nintendo can't own everybody with a green cap. What about just giving her red hair? or darker skin and brown hair? or purple hair and blue clothes? well, you get the idea. TBH, as much as I love the idea of playing Zelda as a female Link, it might not be a bad idea to give the character more of her own idenitity anyway. Well that's just my 2 cents...
regarding the C&D issued for the mario 64 project, note that that was a clone of the entire game. Fish around Greenlight (or this site even) and you'll see that just having 'Zelda-ish' sprites hasn't been enough to trigger a bad reaction from the big-N. Generally, just being in the realm of 'reminds me of' is fine, it's when you get to 'easily mistaken for' that the trouble starts.
@undesired: Maybe I'm wrong but I would be surprised if the item pack represented an issue. That's all generic fantasy stuff. Nintendo can't own a bow or a key with a skull on it. If you're worried Nintendo might claim the specific gameplay features of those weapons as they're implemented in Zelda, give 3Dot Game Heroes a try sometime... ;)
I think the item pack and etc. are fine, but I agree that the female Link spritesheet could represent an issue.
let's get a mod in here and they can tell me what they want to happen w/ the female link sprite.
@interdimensional: Redshrike is a mod.
Reading up on the game jam (shame on me for not doing that before initially commenting), I see that looking like Link is explicitly the point here. That being the case, I see why you're reluctant to change the sprite.
Still, undesired's point holds, the FAQ for this site pretty clearly states:
> What kind of art can I submit?
You can submit any art that could be used as game art, provided that it's your original work. The following kinds of art do not qualify:
Art that's your work, but is clearly non-free IP (for instance, a sprite of Gordon Freeman from Half Life)
see http://opengameart.org/content/faq#q-submittype
Since the point of these sprites is very specifically to be Link (albiet female Link), and one of the contest rules is that 'The game takes place in the Zelda universe.' I'd say OGA is not a good home for at least some of these works.
If you want to post just the general fantasy stuff that'd be great. However, any of the sprites that are explicitly meant to be characters/creatures/items/etc. from the Zelda universe, should not be posted on OGA.
I do think OGA is a good place to try and recruit folks for the jam, but it's definitely not the right place to host the Zelda IP-specific art for it.
Let me add that I do like the idea of the jam and am excited to see what it turns up.
Also, I notice criteria #1 for judging the entries is: 'How sweet is the art?' I'd say you got that one in the bag ;)
I'm afraid Capbros is right. I was hoping an admin would come by, but it looks like it won't happen. Anyway, the facts on this one are pretty straightforward. We don't want to expose game developers to legal risk by offering assets which might get them in trouble with trademark or copyright regulations. The best course of action would probably be to modify the character sprites to no longer resemble Link so closely (and any others that might be dangerously close if applicable--I'm no LoZ expert, though I played the heck out of Link's Awakening).
Hello again,
I'm really sorry, I had to go ahead and mark this as having a licensing issue. I'll remove it once the trademark issue is sorted out. Again, I apologize that I have to do this--I like your work and I appreciate your generous licensing.
Link out, Notlink in. Let's put this back up, ok?
Thank you for being so understanding. The updated assets look great, I've removed the flag.
@interdimensional: Thanks again for sharing! Sorry for having to 'fun police' on you. For what it's worth, notlink looks fantastic!
These are beautiful and really inpired me! I am now making a game with them. I would love to enter it in the female link jam, but unfortunately I doubt I will have time... I will make good use of them though! I admire that jam and maybe life will allow me enough time to enter it.
Any plans for underworld sprites? The entire collection is absolutely amazing! Thanks for the work you put into this.