Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 10:01
Art Type:

Simple title - simple piece of music. i imagined a quirky character jumping from one platform to another.
This piece can be played in a loop

Simply brilliant!
So corny and naive and yet so punchy and cool! :D
I imagine this playing in a casual game like Farmville where the player sits and fiddles with cows and chickens and stuff.
I imagine exactly what you said: a platformer, in a fluffy colourful environment, it just feels good :)
Or a very silly Env. This is a great fun song that I've used to make the scene a bit Ridiculous.
Here at our house we hear the tune a lot because of all the testing, etc. We walk around humming it. Got stopped by a lady at Wal-mart asking me what it was I was humming lol!
Here is the game:
The audio sync is off but thats because of Youtube.
Love this track! Will probably end up using it in a prototype I'm working on.
Nice! I love it, Im using it in my paper style car platformer game for iOS but I really don't if i will ever finish this project. But Very nice song!
Used in my AppStore release:
Thanks, pheonton.
Hello, I used this song for one of my apps. The game is still in the prototype phase, but people can play it. I love that happy upbeat theme.
Windows 8 App Store:
I can't tell what game series inspired this at all. AT ALL. ;D
Seriously, I think you may have captured the essence of a certain HAL Labs character a little *too* well.
thank you
Thank you for music! I use it in my game
Bear, honey and bee
This is pretty light-hearted. ^_^
Building a town already
Hello I'm using your music inside my game, for now the game is not public I do it anyway to alert you. Can a citation be enough on the credits page plus direct links to the game page? Good evening.
Simply Super ! Used for intro stage for a demo. Made sure to credit.
I now use it in my game. Thank you for creating this nice piece.
Look for Woodland Chasers in itch io site if you want to take a look
Gettin some major Banjo Kazooie / Tooie vibes from this one, good stuff
Hi pheonton, I used your music in my indie game, Food Comes From Above.
Available on Steam
Thank you!
Great job! I used this in my submission to Trigame Jam #146.
Feels like walking in jungle with a nice weather. Well done mate.
I am thinking to use in my game, if ı use ı let you know.