Seeking Artist to fill in gaps in my project - Long Term
I posted here once before, about 9 months ago, seeking art for my project. At the time, I was brand new to programming and didn't have anything to show off.
9 months later, I believe I'm actually ready to seek someone to assist me in making my project become a reality. I'm using the 001 Game Creator Engine, and at the moment I'm using the default art that comes with their Enhanced RPG template. I like the art style it uses, but it's missing a lot of sprites and equipment that I need for my project.
I'm looking for someone who might be willing to duplicate said style for what I need, or if that is too difficult or not a desired option, then using their own style to replace what I already have. I'm looking for someone who is willing to assist me long term (potentially several years), as my project is ambitious and massive.
I'm willing to offer a commission if that is necessary to get the assistance I need, and I'm willing to pay whatever is deemed fair. My project is going to have approximately 30 chapters in total, with about 30-35 hours of gameplay. And this is only the first Part of the project, my medium term goal is 3 parts with about 100 hours of gameplay, and long term is an additional 3 parts with another 100 hours of gameplay (I already have sketched out the basic plot of all 6 parts, with the first Part in significant detail).
Below is a link to my current progress, I regularly post updates on Currently I have 4 chapters "mostly" complete, I plan on adding cutscenes and other enhancements at some point as well as more dynamic and enhanced dialogue, among other things. The link also briefly details the premise of my project, and also includes devlogs of my progress over the last few months. It includes a windows version, and a HTML5 that plays in a browser.
The Mystical Stones Demo by freeya (
If anyone has any interest, please let me know. Any art you create for my project, you are free to offer to others as you desire, I seek no ownership or exclusive rights to it.
I'm now looking for an artist to primarily make monsters for my project. Details are in the post above. I'm looking for them to be 32x32 or 64x64 rendered to 32x32, with simple animations (2-6 frames). I know little about art so most things I leave to the artists discretion.
Let me know if interested. In the short term I need about 20-25, long term probably over 50, maybe as high as 100. As my project is long term, there's no timetable for completion.
I played your demo. you've done a fantastic job so far! It's a good game 👍
Thank you I really appreciate that! Its why I'm now confident that I can make it better with more art. Just need someone who can create monsters that at least somewhat match what I have.
Edit 7/19: I uploaded an update, which fixes a few bugs and improves gameplay.
Still looking for an artist to help really bring my project alive over time.
I can probably help after the summer game jam has finished...
Any help would be great! As I've told the lady who is making equipment for me, there's no timeline on anything, since the earliest I anticipate an alpha is late 2022.
I'm still seeking 1 or more artists to assist me with monsters, as well as a few other objects (I need a windmill, a power generator, among other things).
The latest version of my project can be found at the link in the first post, if you wish to see what I've accomplished so far (about a year off/on).