Can't post reply
Friday, December 4, 2020 - 00:54
Hey! I'm trying to reply to MNDV.ecb's thread. If I put something and hit save I just go to a white page. This is the case on Firefox on Ubuntu and Safari on iOS
Hey! I'm trying to reply to MNDV.ecb's thread. If I put something and hit save I just go to a white page. This is the case on Firefox on Ubuntu and Safari on iOS
I found it!
If you compose your messages using, say, Notes on iOS it auto corrects '--' to the long em dash character. If you post something with that in it you get the white screen of doom and chaos. I suspect it will do the same with quotes, too. It would be nice if it at least told you why it does that?
Thank you for this! I was very confused why I suddenly couldn't comment all of a sudden. Can confirm that an en dash (the shorter version of '--', keyboard shortcut alt+0150) also sends you to a blank white page. Some sort of issue parsing special/non-ASCII characters? Very easy to replicate this issue.
When I click 'Save' it sends me to a url with a unique comment ID number already generated (e.g., but then stalls and fails to load anything else. Promptly reloading the page gives a 'Warning: will need to resend form' notice.