[LPC] Ore and Forge
Saturday, January 9, 2021 - 19:34
Art Type:
Several ore and ingot tiles and inventory items, as well as an animated forge/smelter, in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup. Ores and ingots are, left-to-right: coal, iron, tin, copper, silver, gold, bronze, steel. Designed to fit with the LPC Rocks here, but drawn from scratch. Kindly commissioned by pvigier for Vagabond.
Update 2021-11-30: Forge slightly updated in https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-blacksmith; I recommend you use that version for new work! Ore, ingots, etc. will continue to live here.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"[LPC] Ore and Forge" by bluecarrot16, commissioned by Pierre Vigier (pvigier). CC-BY 3.0+ / GPL 3.0+ / OGA-BY 3.0+

Yes! Thank you! :D
Oh yeah. It's time to implement a smithy skill.
It was a great pleasure to work with you! :) Hope it will be useful!
one step closer to a LPC factorio
^ let me know what else is needed ;-)
Hello!, if a use gpl 3.0 assets i need to release my project in open source ? including other sprites and codes ?
@Deco: That's a complicated question to answer. In short: maybe?
If your project doesn't already have GPL licensed components, I recommend using instead any of the other licenses listed on this asset.
@MedicineStorm: i avoided using glp assets until now because i dont completely understand this license, is a little confuse to me. so, i can use this under the CC-BY 4.0 instead of glp ? And every other asset like LPC which have both CC-BY and GLP in their descriptions ?
Please check out the FAQ for these types of questions: You can pick any of the licenses listed and follow it; for this asset, you can use CC-BY 4.0 or OGA-BY 3.0+ instead of GPL---CC-BY and OGA-BY do not require you to share modifications under any particular license, just to credit me.
Awesome work!!
Thank you kindly
Hi! I'm sure this isn't where you expected this asset pack to end up but it was just what I needed for my projecct, but I used it in my new space shooter Stellar Miner.
You can play Stellar Miner here: