LPC Frogman
Based on the frog man from Redshrike's tower defence prototype (https://opengameart.org/content/tower-defense-prototyping-assets-4-monst...).
The sideways attack and hopping frames are Redshrike's unmodified originals, the north and south frames and death animation are my own adaptations based on his work.
I plan to add a version without the trident and with an attack where he opens his mouth and attacks with his tongue, but that's a little more work.
Should work ok with LPC assets, although the palette does not match the LPC assets. I tried recolouring it, but none of the green ramps in the LPC palette work with this guy. Suggestions for that are welcome.
* Added a variation with a crown by Stephen Challener (Redshrike)
* Used Puffolotti's alternate animation for the legs.

Really nice.
Something looks off in D3 and F5.
Also, in the side-walk you might consider to have them pull their legs forward before landing.
I attached a possible suggestion, within assuming the 6 frames limit.
(In the GIF i also experimented red eyes, with unused colors in the palette, but the sheet has no such modifications and can be integrated with the existing one, but the padding is different.)
Here another suggestion, the 4th cel bends the legs more. Of course there are infinite other possibilities.
As above, padding in this sheet is arbitrary.
Also, third attachment isn't related, but let me say that despite me being a rationalist, this funny coincidence on 31 december looks like a good omen.
Ok, I fixed the stray pixels you pointed out, and replaced the leg animation for the sideward frames with your version (the original animation just reused the frames). I wasn't sure at first if that works with how frogs move in reality, but after some consideration, I do like it more. It's not as though this is a real frog either. :)
I also added a variation that has a crown on its head. Now to add a version that doesn't carry a weapon.
Most Frogs spread the hind legs at the end of the jump, land on the front legs and fold the hind legs after front legs touch the ground. Since they weight only few grams, they don't have to worry much about what humans or horses would consider a safe landing.
They never expect to have to double or triple jump. For a 2 legged froglike creature there is no point in spreading the hind legs, since they must land with them, but if is human-size might prefer to land on a leg and keep the other a little folded forward.
Like the change too. Not sure about realism, but it does give it more personality.
Any plans to rework the other characters from Redshrike ? i really loved the frog !
Vague plans, certainly. I'm not much of a pixelartist though and between work, family and other interests, not to mention actually working on my game, time is limited. :(
Revisiting the Wartotaur is high on my wish list though. After that... not sure. Are there any particular ones I might have missed?