LPC Wolfman
Sunday, December 27, 2020 - 16:22
Art Type:
Male and female wolf-people, commissioned by castelonia.
Includes all universal LPC animations (cast, thrust, walk, slash, shoot, hurt) in 6 colors. Also included are head overlays, so they can be used with more clothing items.
Brown is the default wolf color. The other colors are adapted from ElizaWY's hair palette.
The preview image uses treetops, trunks, and grass by Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm), from the LPC Base assets.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"LPC Wolfman" by Benjamin K. Smith (BenCreating), Johannes Sjölund (wulax), Matthew Krohn (makrohn), Stephen Challener (Redshrike) and William.Thompsonj. Commissioned by castelonia.

Neat, guess I'm adding werewolves to my game now. ;)
My first thought was that we already had one of these, but I was probably thinking of this one: https://opengameart.org/content/werewolf-lpc , which is not a complete sheet.
There are actually two others. The one by AntumDeluge that you linked, and this one by Baŝto: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-modular-bodies-and-heads
I don't think either has the full set of animations.
AntumDeluge chose to have the mouth be open, while both Baŝto and I both have it closed. AntumDeluge attached the head more directly, while both mine and Baŝto's add more of a neck, though Baŝto chose to put the head further forward than I did, giving it more of a hunched look.
The wolf also has more colors than the LPC human base, and we all approached adapting those slightly differently.
Castelonia and I didn't feel like either fit his game well, which is why I created a completely new one.
Nice! I like the neck on the side frames.
Ok, so how much work would it be to make a howling animation for these guys?
I was looking at the howling animation in the original wolf sprite to judge how hard it would be to adapt, and the more I looked at it, the more I realised that I don't really like the howling animation. I can't really put my finger on why though.
Probably not too much effort, if you adapt it from the existing howl. I actually experimented with it a little, but didn't have time to finish it.
> I don't think either has the full set of animations.
Yes, modular bodies and heads does in general not cover all animations. I could cover more, but not all, since I'm limited by what I can solve with masks.
The heads positions has more technical reasons, since it has to attach at the same point where human heads attach.
My script is also capable of generating muscular and pregnant wolvemen.
My wolfman is definitely not pretty, I was just trying what different kinds of heads I could attach after I modularized everything.