Freedom Promotion Banners/"ads"
These are promotion banners that can be seen as "ethical ads", promoting topics such as libre gaming, free culture, free software and public domain, meant to be placed to (hopefully libre) games in places where normal ads would be, e.g. on walls in levels etc. Of course, you can use them in any way you want (e.g. print them out as cards for real life promotion etc.).
All are 160x120 pixels, made with GIMP, using my own custom 256 color palette. All are completely my original work, I created all the fonts and graphics and used some of my previously posted CC0 original graphics. This is to ensure your certainty about this being completely public domain.
EDIT: I've now also created 4x upscaled (640x480) versions of each banner, using combination of pixel-art scaling algorithms, vectorization, GIMP effects and manual editing.
You can support me:

public domain crew activate, jk
Looks nice.
Did you upload the colored version of 1bit Graphics Collection somewhere?
Keep up the good fight! I've always thought that copyright itself is useless. The kick is in the creation of the item, seeing others use it, change it and adapt to their own needs. The future is collaboration, not competition. Letting go of your ego = CC0 understanding.
@Baŝto No, I just created this small mockup and colored it, but it would be a nice little project to color the whole post. You can do it if you want, it's public domain!
@pixel32 It warms my heart to hear your words, I completely agree :)
I've now added 640x480 upscaled versions, enjoy!
These are now in my Xonotic map :)