My first game ever
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - 12:04
Hi, I've never created any games before, my knowledge in computer stuff is very basic, yet I love Flare and the engined seemed quite easy.
So my question is: Is it a good idea for me to start in game dev on the Flare engine ?
Will I be able to understand anything or should I focus on easier projects ?
Just to clarify; I have not tried or heard of Flare, so I can't go into specifics, but I don't think that matters for my point.
It really depends what type of creative person you are.
If you want to create a game because you have some nice ideas, stick to something restricted and try to work within the limits (like with Flare). RPGMaker is good, too.
If you want to really learn how to code and create game mechanics and logic, you should probably start with something more basic, so you learn how programming really works, some good languages to start are: Python, JavaScript or C#
Generally a good practice is to start simple and improve from there, look at code others have done and try to understand how it works by modifying it to your needs and/or breaking it a bit.
And most importantly; Expect your first few (dozen) projects to never get finished, most first projects end up as stepping stones and learning experiences for most self-tought devs. But don't worry, that's kind of a weird part of indie development, every (indie) game dev has a plethora of projects lying around that they started and never finished.
That said; If you tried Flare and it works great for you - just go for it. I would personally recommend learning to code itself before jumping into game development, as that would give you more flexibility if you find yourself in a position where you have a different project in mind or want to switch to a different language and/or engine.
Either way, best of luck to you! Don't forget that, for game development, passion is far more important than the engine or programming language used.
The scripting used by the FLARE engine is an excellent place to start. Especially if you've played FLARE and liked it. If it is too "programmish", then, yeah maybe try out RPG Maker first and come back to it.
Although documentation for FLARE mods is not as robust as documentation for say, Unity, etc. this is a great place to ask questions since the FLARE devs are quite consistent about responding to inqueries.
--Medicine Storm
To be honest, my engine of choice is GameMaker Studio 2. It has a Drag and Drop system and a scripting system which allows it to be able to make simple stuff and more complex things. Plus, several big games were made with it, making it a viable tool for big titles on steam or your prefered platform.
-SuperGamersGames, Creator of PixelGaming Studios
Thank you all for your answers :)
Cerbion. Yes I really want to make a Diablo-like game and I dislike rpg-make movement and combat in the scope of this project. I know a tiny bit of Java script from scripting entities on minecraft mods, thank you for your advice ! I'm going to try to make a tiny game with few mecanics that I plan to involve in the greater project I have.
I think I'm going to stick to flare engine for the moment since it really looks like it's the best engine to make the game I want to create. Yet it's missing a LOT of informations on how to actually do stuff compared to more popular engines so I'm making baby steps.
Thank you for your encouragments ! :)
MedicineStorm Ok perfect ! Yes I do not feel lost towards how stuff works, the only issues I'm having is with a lot of problems (crashes...) That I really struggle to fix since there lacks a lot of informations on the engine. But yes actually my will to create a game based of flare engine comes from me enjoying the game (reminds me of dungeon siege) and I felt like this engine could be a nice way to create an old school game quite easily, without having to deal with all the learning curve to be able to create this type of game in an engine like unity or unreal engine (wich would really feel like using a bazooka to kill a fly)
SuperGamersGames Thank you for your advice, I might be wrong, but I think I saw somewhere that GameMaker Studio 2 was really not the best to make an isometric tile-based game... I will check it out anyway but the thing is that Flare is made to handle such games as the one I want to create (isometric hacknslash rpg) therefore I feel like it's the best option...
Hello, feel free to ask of flare on its forum, i recently took to make a mod and can problably help you on some things.