Bumblebee loop

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov wrote this piece back in 1899-1900 for the opera The tale of tsar Saltan, here is my roughened up and modernized version with a lot more pressure on poor Bumblebee. Drums comes from Heavyocity Damge, explosives from Native Instrument's Battery3 kit "Armageddon kit". Strings from Kontakt4's orchestra library.
Some info regarding rights. This song was written over 100 years ago, and Nikolai died in June 1908, so any musical rights should've been void in June 1978 when the track entered public domain. That's why I released this song here for anyone to use as they please.
Although the song is now public domain, I think it would still be honnorable if the end user would at least give credit to Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov for doing such a master piece,

I didn't recognize the composer's name when I first read it, but having heard the song it's definitely a widely known and widely used piece.
Your instrumentation certainly lends this a lot of flair. It's perhaps even higher tension than it normally would be.
Hi jobromedia,
I really liked the music, and I wonder if I can use it in a game I'm building, referring credits, of course, to you and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Sure thing go right ahead!
Sure thing go right ahead!
Thank you for music! I use it in my game as main theme.
Bear, honey and bee
I love the original bumblebee song, after hearing this video game sounding version. I had to use this in my game! I credited you in the credits
If you want to see the game, its here
This is a great audio. Thanks for the upload!
I am going to use it in my video-game!
Well, the game is just a prototype, so it won't be found on any major platforms, but I'm going to upload it on Github. I would surely give credits to you, for using this particular sound!
Thanks for the music! I used this in "Slime!" https://kutejnikov.itch.io/slime