JRPG Collection

Collection of pieces of the type commonly heard in old JRPGs. Though there are already similar things on OGA (such as this), this genre tends to be quite popular, so I thought that having some more music available couldn't harm. People can then mix and match as they please.
Preview file is the "main theme" (could be used on the title screen/intro etc) and the zip contains the pieces listed below, in ogg format. Just in case anyone wants to rework things, I've also included basic MIDI files, plus Xsynth/WhySynth patches to recreate the sounds used (though they're all extremely simple).
Higher-quality format files and easier preview of all tracks can be found here.
Part 2 of the collection can be found here.
Track list:
Used in:
GLITCHIT - The Legend of Zorda
Bowling Cross: Dark Legacy of the Devil Bowler (Final Frame)
Dakota the RPG
Xeonjia: Ice Adventures

This is wonderful.
I especially liked the Fields, and Princess tracks.
This is outstanding work. Did you create the patches yourself?
Thanks very much for the comments. Yes I created the patches myself. I wanted to keep the overall sound simple, so they're just basic square/pulse/triangle/white noise waveforms, with a variety of ADSR settings. (In case you're thinking of using the Xsynth patches, just to let you know - all my ones are at the end of the bank; everything before them is just the default bank).
I will be using eight of these tracks to form the entire score of a game I have coming up. It'll be a simple game, but this music will give it so much charm.
I'm in love with with the plains track especially.
Hi, amazing work, we used some of your music in our little game jam project
Obviously crediting you in the final credits
Great - thanks for letting me know :-)
Great collections! <3
Used 'em for my action-RPG, https://hwilson.itch.io/bowling-cross-final-frame
Thanks very much for letting me know. The game's excellent - great work! I think the music suits it well :)
hi! Ive been using your soundtrack in my game for a while but Im publishing a demo for the first time now, just letting you know ^^
Great :) Please post a link at some point if possible, so I can have a look.
I recently uploaded my game to itch.io. It's called "Dakota the RPG". It's a game within a game within a game kind of thing, and I used a couple of your wonderful tracks for a sort of dream sequence where the player is transported to an Atari/Intellivision era-style world.
The tracks used are "Fields Loop", "Main Theme", "Character Revived", and "Game Over".
The game can be downloaded here:
A video featuring your tracks can be found here:
The sequence using your music starts at about two minutes in. I really love all your tracks, and may use more as I continue development.
Thank you for sharing!
Jason Harlan
This is a tremendous effort :) Glad you found the tracks useful and good luck with the rest of the development!