handpainted rock textures
Friday, March 22, 2019 - 05:08
Art Type:
I made 4 handpainted rock textures, 2 are 100 % painted, the other ones are based on own photos, overpainted, coming in 2 resolutions: 1k and 2k and with normalmap, displacement and roughness.

these are really high quality hand painting stuff! thank you!
This is great, please keep them coming :)
more are coming, but it will take time. (It took me about 1-2 days per texture).
I also need them for my own game, here I used one of them in my level. (And there is another hand painted 3D object I want to upload in a pack in the future, when I have some other painted objects...)
The current grass texture is made with filters, will be overpainted and then uploaded here too
The more I get into game development the more I appreciate assets like this - thanks for making them available at CC0
@rubberduck I have made a few CC0 handpainted assets as well, including a big tiling texture pack, feel free to use them in your game and/or use them as a base for new textures (you can find them in my posts). It is my goal to make a public domain hand-painted RPG once there is enough of these. That's why I am always happy to see new hand-painted style assets.
I think I once spent over a week on 4 textures as well (https://opengameart.org/content/4-hand-painted-ground-textures). It's worth it because as a public domain they can forever be reused by the whole world.
BTW the screenshot looks amazing :)
I already work on the next one... this takes a lot of time again
Looks very promising :)