Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 05:39
Art Type:
- 03. Pixel Art - Items
- 2D - RPG - [LPC]-Compatible Tiles/Sprites
- 2D::Icon/Item/Equip
- Amazing Stuff
- CF Inspiration
- Circle Graphic like art
- crusoe
- Evol Online
- Food
- GameCollection
- Golden Axe
- Hero's Gauntlet
- Impyrean options
- Items
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC-Compatible Items
- My favorites
- MyGame
- Non-Commercial - Art
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- one click minecraft
- PawMon LPC
- Quality Art for 2D RPGs
- RPG items (Pixel art)
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Stendhal Potential
- the island
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Type - Item Sprites
- [Airos] [32x] Retro Game Sprites
Some items made for the game Evol Online.
Edit : Here the list :
Turtle shell, piberries, manana, aquada, old book, squirrel's fur, lettuce, squirrel's claws, chick' feathers, book, turtle'shell fragment, turtle'shell, liquid dyable icon, elixir, egg, and the 5 last are potions icons.
Edit: Update some items, the image critized get remplaced, and new potions added..

Some beautiful stuff. I can't tell what every object is though.
Yes, very nice icons. I expecially like the 3rd image in the 2nd row :3
Hi Reid,
Those one are really refreshing :) I do find my favourites in the books and the turtle shell for the details. :)
Thanks for your comment, I added the name of every items in edit.
I could say this about the first icon, second row.
It's a derived work you are breaking the gpl license, cross license the whole thing or remove that icon.
The potions are suspicious too, they are too similar to those which makes me think it's all a rip off of gpl icons, including the egg.
@Anonymous: This is a rather odd case. On the one hand, despite the similarities you see the graphics in this entry are obviously not direct derivatives of the ones you linked. I don't see any meaningful connection between the fur and the one you linked, for instance. And there aren't any obvious hints of pixel-for-pixel copying in the vials despite similar stylings.
BUT, the stoppers on the vials share a number of identical colors, which indicates that at least the palettes were referenced/used. To me, this indicates that further investigation is needed; just because the vials entered here aren't derivatives of the ones you linked doesn't mean they aren't derivatives of ones from the same set. Regardless, while taking a palette isn't infringement per se, it's certainly proper etiquitte at least to mention if you've used someone else's.
Redshrike you are right, anyway as well as me you saw that there are odd similarities in the vials that makes me suspect it's derived work.
Despite the fur, the egg seems IMHO a palette, light adjusment and 2 pixels smaller version of this other icon which may indicate that those icons have been used as reference, at least.
I am also agree with you when you rightly say, taking a palette isn't infringement per se, some time is spent to create them so in those cases would be polite to mention if you've used someone else's, which is also true if some other work has been taken as reference.
Just a heads up -- it's not necessary to comment twice. The spam filter is particularly harsh with certain IP addresses due to the volume of spam that originates from them, but we understand that there are sometimes reasons that legitimate users may also come from these IP addresses. Comments will be approved if they're on topic.
It's quite sad that the owner of the comments which accused me did not reveal his identity, anyway, I don't need it to know who is outside this affair.
The reason that my graphics sometimes look like the one of the mana world is maybe because I've made these graphics for a fork of this last project?
I will try to answer for each case of your accusation:
- The squirrel's fur, you find it! Congratulation, I based my texture with the same one than this fur. But in none case I used the other icon, as it was just as inspiration use.
- The potions, well, you are actually comparing a 16x16 potion with a 32x32's one... I can't congratulate you for this one, but if you are as mad as that, I promise you to upload a new version soon which just use the lineart from this last one.
- The egg, as for the fur, I've used this for inspiration, it's right, but if you try to zoom, you will see that I did not used anything from this.(an other version will see the day too, maybe uploaded here too.)
I sometimes take inspiration from other works to do my own, but in none case I copy or rip a part of these works. And like I said at the start, I'm sad to see such accusation in something that I wanted to share with you. I just hope that you will chill out for my next contribution, anonymous poster, anywho that you are! ^_^
I need to make a couple of notes here.