4 Colour Overworld Tileset
Friday, February 15, 2019 - 06:17
Art Type:
Retro RPG tilesets in black & white and green colour scheme.
Each of them is drawn by hand and is exported on two different spritesheets with transparent background. The tile size is 8x8 pixels.
Feel free to use it however you want (CC-0).
Attribution is appreciated but not required!
Here is a fitting dungeon tileset

Just fyi, tags like "2D" are redundant when this is in the 2d art category. See https://opengameart.org/content/art-tags for additional tagging tips. Also, this is the only submission in the "pixel-art" category, but only because everyone else uses "pixelart" tag instead.
Thanks for the hint, will keep that in mind :)
Very nice style, it would be awesome to expand to a more complete tileset, would definitely go to my favorite collection.
Thanks for the feedback. Sure thing, mind giving me some directions of what you have in mind?
I'm thinking additional variations of trees (conifer, leafless, stump, ...), buildings, things like fences, barrels, chests, levers, statues, interior stuff. Maybe experiment with adding a few colors even? Just some ideas to build upon this great work. I'm already seeing a great GBC-style game in this.
These are some nice suggestions, thank you a lot :) I will try to get some of these working this weekend ~
Precious, I love it.
Hi Stealthix, very nice work! A small appeal in the line of drummyfish: should you consider to indeed make a complete tileset of this, including a variety of dungeons, monsters, and bosses, I'm positive the nice people at the Solarus community would be happy to implement it their package and give you credit! While there is certainly plenty of CC bits and bobs of 2D zelda-like art around the web, complete tilesets are a rarity, and one that could give birth to entire game projects!