I'd like some female effort noises
I'm honestly surprised I cna't find this on here already.
I'd like to see someone post some generic "effort noises" with a female voice.
Simple grunts and cries and stuff. No actual lines. For an example, look at the noises Link makes in the Legend of Zelda games. He makes vocal sounds for when he jumps, attacks, falls, gets hurt, pushes and pulls things, dies, breathes heavy, gasps for air, gasps in pain, gets surprised, and the list goes on. That's the kind of thing that so many games need, and they don't need to be specific to any one style.
Honestly, even though we have some male voices doing effort noises, we could use some more variety there. I'm putting a call out: everyone with a good microphone, go record yourself making some effort noises and upload them to the site. Let's all post some generect voice clips so that we have a variety of voices to choose from. You don't have to have a "professional voice" for effort noises, anyone can make them!
Hows 'dis?