RPG Tileset
Sunday, December 8, 2013 - 10:15
Art Type:
Free RPG tileset! See a simple youtube preview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG445oJyalM
Attribution Instructions:
NOT REQUIRED, but if you want you can attribute "Russpuppy http://russpuppy.com"
I would love to hear about it if you end up using any of this for in your projects (also not required)

Hi there! I am requesting for your permission to use your art/music/tileset/sound effect for a RPG. I look forward to your reply. To confirm your acceptance/denial, please contact me at roycelim578@gmail.com. Thank you in advance!
Hi Raagan. This is my original content and no permission needed, this is licensed CC0. So use it as you wish, attribution not required.
Thank you so much for releasing this under the CC0 license! Just wanna let you know that I used some of the dirt tiles & the signposts in my game "Vocab RPG". It's an Online RPG about catching Monsters & collecting Vocabulary cards. I added your name & url to the Credits.
You can check out the game here: http://browsergameshub.com/gameapps/VocabRPG/
And this is a little YouTube Trailer I made: https://youtu.be/BwgMt5l4a64