[LPC] Extensions
Monday, October 29, 2018 - 11:09
Hi there,
As of now I have been using the existing LPC submissions on OGA for my new game Herodom. Though it is a super nice set already ofcourse, during development I have gained some ideas I would like to expand the set with. All additions that I might make or commission for I would like to share back on OGA ofcourse.
Now my biggest question is, are there still people here interested in doing some commissioned work in the LPC style.
Let me say I would like to start with a new body, the zombie. Based on this example: http://i.imgur.com/UZ1qL.gif
Hope to hear from someone that is interested, you can PM me or reply here ofcourse.
Kind regards,
I'd love to do some LPC comissions! I've slowly been working to expand the set myself, though all I've released so far is an extension of the horse.
What's the source for the zombie? I know I've seen it before, but I can't remember where.
That is great to hear! Consider it a match:) I liked the work you did on the horse as well, looks great.
The source of the zombie is found here on this thread, it was created by Wulax:
I don't know whether it can be used as a starting point (there is no license information on this upload) but it could useful at least for inspiration.
Another idea that maybe would work, is make it modular. Like you can add a zombie arm, leg and torso or head separately to an existing body. But I am affraid this might cause a lot of extra work maybe, so there I really need your thoughts. Let us continue this via PM!
I would be interested! You can see my LPC extensions on my profile (including the original horse :p)
I also have some stuff "in the wings" in my WIP thread here that I've been too lazy to finish and release: https://opengameart.org/comment/67276 . If it's something I've started working on (bird sprites, mountain terrain, interior furniture, medieval or victorian town decorations, steampunk pipes), I could probably be convinced to finish it for free.
Thanks Bluecarrot, that is nice to hear! I actually use some of your stuff you submitted already (also from the compilation collections, like the jungle and dessert one). I did not see your bird sprites yet though, where can I find them?
I think it would be fair to get something for your efforts, in the end you spend a lot of time on it I can imagine. BenCreating also wrote he is interested in doing LPC extensions, so give me a day so I can sort some of my requests out, and then it would be an option to split the required work for example! I will PM you about it asap:) And thanks again for your interest!
I haven't posted them yet; here's an example. I have a few different styles and colors, but was hoping to do a more exhaustive set with different species (like these, but animated: https://opengameart.org/content/winter-birds ). The stuff I mentioned are all things I have started but not finished.
Sure, let me know!
That is a neat bird you have there! Really lovely, a group of them flying over the battle field or the overworld would make quite a nice atmosphere. Are what are the medieval decorations you are working on, is it the wip you have on the other thread submitted as well, or is there more?
That's most of them; there are a few more I'm working on that I haven't put on the WIP (a bit more farm stuff, a peddler's cart, a few market variations, possibly a gallows and stockade). But I should really just put what's there out :p Any other ideas?
Those are some nice ideas! I will send you a PM with some questions for art!
I have zombie heads on the back of my mind.
Similar to the third one of this https://opengameart.org/content/zombies
That would not look as good as what you linked, but that would be only 15 frames for each sex.
I guess there can be done much with layering a mutilated human body over the skeleton. Skeleton is missing a thrust animation, though.
Modular arms and legs could also be interesting for cyborgs. One could even go as far as doing modular arms and feet, which could be used for pirates and such.
I posted my zombie today https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-zombie
Sadly, we didn't end up doing modular limbs, but I'd love to try something with that at some point.
The skeleton actually does have a thrust animation https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-skeleton
I am perfect for the job, my portfolio and years of solid experience will speak for itself.
Lets negotiate so we can get started.