[LPC] Horse Riding UPDATED 0.9.1
I forgot to include the modx/mody values in the initial 0.9.0 submission, so here they are in 0.9.1
This is a WIP, but here is a working solution for bluecarrot16's horses. You can use any animation cycle except walk, or use a specific set of frames I chose that look like holding reigns (reigns not drawn yet), or standing animation (looks ok enough I guess)
Directions are in the zip! Doesn't work with robe skirt/cape/skirts/dresses/wings/tails. Does work with core stuff. Requires equivelant matching equipment between male/female as it uses male legs even for females. I think I can fix this in an update
Lots of changes, now works for walk/gallop/eat/stand, and for all the colors (no uni/pegasus yet). Redid a lot of the previous math, and added special cases to make everything work together better (I can't find any major perspective issues anymore, except for the known shield/spear bug) but please let me know if you find any incongruencies.
Please comment if you have any issues or questions.
Jousting Lances
Skeleton cutout
Add to the generator
I haven't had a chance to look too closely at Ben's expansion pack yet, and I am waiting to until then to decide whether I am updating this to include his work or starting a separate submission and keeping this one updated too for those who are using the old horses

Due to small bug in my code, there are 2 unnecesary spears being drawn in the reign frames in the preview. Ignore those please :)
I love that this works with all the animations!
I forgot to include the reign frames. Up/down: last frame of cast, left/right: 3rd frame of thrust
@bigbeargames: When you make significant updates to this, if you like, post a comment in the Bump Requests thread & an admin will look it over & possibly move it to the front of recent submissions. :)
thanks for the tip! I was about to update it again with gallop cycle when ben unloaded his collection, now i'm busy working with it, so I'll try that trick soon though
Here is a gif preview of gallop cycle that I had finished. Since I am so close I decided I am going to finish this submission and then make another one for Ben's
That looks amazing!
Well done!
This exact thing (figure out how to put a character on a horse by using different parts of existing animations in code) has been on my TODO list for ages, but I've been putting it off because the work required seemed so tedious.
Thanks everyone! It was tedious! And it was even more tedious to attempt to attempt to type it all out in pseudo-code. Luckily it will soon be in a generator. I remember you mentioned before some other stuff that could be done with splicing. On the brain I have centaurs, but what else do you think can be done?
@bigbeargames: centaur
Unfortunately though (for the LPC community) I didn't use an LPC human body.
AntumDeluge, your centaur is what inspired me! But alas it is not LPC. I was experimenting with similar techniques as I use here to splice up a centaur, (plus really paletting the bodies) but haven't succeeded yet