Desert isometric tiles
Saturday, July 28, 2018 - 14:22
Art Type:
I did a quick mockup of a desert (oasis-ish) to test some ideas. For that i created isometric (and 2d) tilesheet using my isometric tile generator. For this tilesheet i used the unbelivable Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup tilesheet. I'm posting it here in case somebody finds it useful.
Also, if you are interested in the generator, feel free to visit my patreon, you will find the link there (it's a web app).
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You can use these tilesets in your program freely. No attribution is required. As a courtesy, include a link to the OGA page:, the crawl-tiles page: or see the License Notice instructions on

That's awesome. Tell me more about this iso tile generator.
About the generator:
I'm a programmer which means that i'm art incapable :D so i have to look for art online. Usually, when i'm looking for isometric tiles, i find 2d textures or tilesets. So i wrote a tool which i use to "convert" 2d textures into isometric blocks.
The tool enables you to register any number of textures/tilesets, then applying these textures to a tile. Tile can have a different texture for each side. You can also alpha merge the tiles, interactively adjust the UVs, export to TILED, adjust global settings...
So you for example take this sample:
And generate a tileset (as seen from the app):
The app and the project can be found here (wait a few seconds to load, i do no have any loader in place at the moment):
Nice! is it open-source? I'd love to tinker with the code if you're willing to share it. :)
Not yet, but i can make it. I'll upload it to GitHub and let you know. You better brush up on your GWT :D
Here you go:
Enjoy ;)
Excellent, thank you. I've never used GWT before, but so far I like it. I'll have to look at becoming a patron. :)
Thanks a lot :)
GWT is really nice if you want / need to develop webapps but don't like the javascript. Simply write the code in java and the GWT compiler will transpile it into javascript. If you have any questions, ask.
The tile generator is still not open source, you need to add an appropriate license to be able to call it that (at least I haven't found any license, it's best to use the LICENSE file). Now it's only source available.
Anyway, it's a very nice idea :)
Also BTW, you can be both a programmer and art-capable, just keep on trying :)
And thank you for sharing under CC0.
Eh, No need to make it truly open source if you don't want. I'm just happy to look at the code. Very inspiring.
Ah, did not know that :)
This is my first GitHub public project as such. I'll update with the license ASAP.
It's okay if you decide to not include the license (this means you keep all the rights and basically prohibits others from modifying and sharing the program), it's just important to know about this. A lot of people want to share their programs freely but don't include licenses simply because they don't know it's a thing - that's why I mention it.
@IKSLM If you decide to add the license as you said, GitHub has a support for this - you can add it with a few clicks. There's a button to add a license somewhere, you simply pick one from the list and you're done :)
Ah, thanks.
I set it to the GNU GPL. I do not know much about licences, but this one seems ok.
Nice, thank you :) Coincidentally I've recently written an article about licensing basics, I will send it to you via PM.
Thank you!