OGA Game Jam#2
Hi everyone, sorry if i got you excited about another jam, its not happening yet, i just want to know what everybodys thoughts are on running a 'theme' this year?
Im going to make a few changes this time round after reading all the feedback, duration, rules etc, and one of the things that im not sure about is running a theme. obvouisly most jams had one, and the last jam i kinda incorporated some sort of theme by including the art challenges as an optional theme (at the time i felt that having a theme may isolate some assets being used) , but maybe you guys and girls would actually want a theme set for the jam. so nows your chance to say, yes or keep it as it was like last year. how would you want to select a theme? should this be something you want.
Jam now ready for participants!
and one more question @chasersgaming:
I know you have to use 6 OGA assets in this jam, and you are allowed to use your own of course, techinally I could choose to either upload all the custom stuff for my own game in a single submission, but if I split it into many small ones, would each of these count towards the 6 asset tally?
@Spring: I would say if the assets are such that it makes sense to split them up into separate submissions, then go ahead and do it that way. But don't split them up soley for the goal of padding out your 'assets used' numbers ;)
I consider a submission as 1 OGA asset, but if a submission has more than 1 asset within it then I will count to.
i.e 1 music submission has 4 different tracks, then I would say that's 4 assets.
generally each asset should have a link to an individual page. basically if it has a separate download then that counts as one asset, but you should link each asset used to same page if that's the case.
upload your work as you see fit.:) like you would normally.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@chasersgaming what does the rules say about the publishing of video footage from a game jam entry before the game itself is submitted?
@spring There isn't one, if you want to make a video or post screenshots that's entirely up to you.its your game.
edit: sharing work in progress, wrighting a dev log, posting videos and photos is encouraged, give your game the exposure and create some hype! Remember the voting is open to the public so it's a good idea to spread the word! Twitter hashtag is #ogagamejam2, I will share them when I see them. Good idea to use #gamejam #gamedev as well. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Thanks for clearing that up chaser!
We'll see if I can figure out anything, but I would at least like to share videos of the game with my friends who know it's a passion project of mine, and on my youtube channel!
I thought I was going to make a breakout clone, but midways into the project it has turned into something in between a JRPG and a point and click adventure game, however I think I'm just gonna keep the two clashing genres in the game together and not even give a damn even though it's a drastic change out of nowhere :P
And maybe later in the game the breakout style will return again.
Not really midways, I'm still very early in the plot of course, but it's probably not going to be that long.
Game jams are great for experimental ideas! Sounds good what you had so far. And to think you were struggling for ideas at the beginning, now your flowing! Good luck! :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Thanks a lot, the problem is that because I was struggling for ideas in the beginning, I had no assets prepared ahead of time lik e some of the others had :P
I haven't even started anything yet, so I have not prepped anything, just haven't the time right now. Don't worry about it, just have some fun.:)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Saying that, do you mean it's also legit to submit an unifinished game?
There was a couple of unfinished games last year, mine was no where near finished. I do not see a problem with submitting an unfinished game. Ideally this jam is about using as many OGA assets as possible with a mimuim of 6. Any project created that uses the assets is showcasing those assets being used and how the developer has used them, which is what we want to see. The jam is open to everyone with different levels programming skills so some may finish early,some may finish but some may not finish at all and it would be a shame for the ones that didn't finish not to be able to submit anything. They have put the effort in so I would say if your project is unfinished then still submit. Try and finish what you can so its somewhat playable and not to buggy, and obviously let the users know where you can what's not working so they are aware when they play, especially if it's an integral part of the game. I personally don't mind playing unfinished games, it's still an insight to the developers idea of a game and where they were going with it, every game starts off as an alpha or prototype, if that's as far as you get then that's still cool in my eyes, every game has to start somewhere.:)
bit of a ramble there, yes it's OK to submit an unfinished game, just let the user know if it's unfinished.:)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Ah, ok, speaking of using OGA assets my project actually uses all of the LPC tiles.
I'll of course try to finish as much as I can, my main concern is not that the game will be completely broken, more that the end of the plot may not be reachable. And the general unpolishedness :p
If that's the case then just mention it.:)
" sadly I didn't get to finish the ending, but you can play up to level 9"
or whatever description suits your game better, you could even have a box dialogue box appear at a certain point.
"you have reached the end of this demo, thanks for playing"
as examples.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Yeah, I guess I'll have to do that if neccessary, which it probably will be.
@Spring: /all/ the LPC tiles? Are you sure? That's a lot of tiles! :)
Using all the ones I get my hands on that are relevant!
Crediting for those will be a nightmare :p
Well, 3 weeks have passed us all now, there are now 10 submissions! Great stuff. But don't panic for those that haven't submitted yet, there's still plenty of time to submit with 7 days remaining. :) good luck. Oh and give yourself a break if you need one!
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
> give yourself a break if you need one!
Don't I wish! Hitting crunch time myself, got a lot left to do and just a few days to do it as I will be traveling all weekend. Think it'll be worth it though, definitely feeling the magic on this one. :)
The magic of Yulpers :3
I have been through all of the game entrys so far and I need to remind everyone about the rules. the following games will NOT be valid entrys as they stand now.
other issues:
CIPHER ROOM : Unable to load/install/open file
BIG WIDE WORLD : Linux build only. I don't have linux so cannot play this or check the assets, anyone who can i would apreciate if you could let me know that the assets are correct.
I know i have not mentioned that a windows build should be a default within the rules, this is my fault and apoligise for this, i thought i had, but going forward, anyone who has a linus build then could you please provide a windows build as well. thanks.
The credits menu at the title screen i can turn a blind eye to, if there is somewhere I can find the OGA assets being used in your projects. If I cannot find them then i will not consider it a valid entry, even if i know what those assets are.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
There used to be a windows build of This big wide world actually, because I played it.
It must've gotten taken down.
well, i hope that build makes a return by the submission end, i have notified the participant. do you still have the windows build @spring? if you do could you send it over to me on discord when you have a moment. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Yeah I still have it, it's a very interesting game actually, even though it's a bit hard to figure out what you're supposed to be doing.
The jam is now over and the voting period has now begun. I would like to take this moment to thank all that have participated and have helped to establish the jam.
remember voting is open to the public this year and not just the participants, so get sharing your games and get some exposure for all your hard work and Please remember to play and rate ALL the games in the jam.
also there is the OGA favourite vote in place this year where you can vote for your personal favourite game of the jam. To do this just private message me with your favourite game name in the 'subject' heading, il count them all up at the end and announce the same time as the voting/ratings end on the game jam page.
once the voting and results have been announced I will open a discussion thread about the jam so I can listen to your comments and feedback and hopefully improve it again for next years game jam.
thanks again, and good luck! :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Now that I've had some sleep and am back on terra firma, just want to send my own Congratulations! to every one who entered the Jam. Looks like we got a lot of good entries this year, can't wait to check them all out!
To everyone who entered, do consider commenting on the submission page for each asset you used in yuour game. Not required but it's always nice to let people know how you used there stuff, and it doubles as a nice way to promote the Jam. :)
oh and of course... Thanks again to ChasersGaming for organizing everything! You did a great job again this year!
Let me know if you want my help verififying assets for all the entries this year. I can just double check them myself as I play through them all and let you know what I find as I find it, or you can send me a list of specific entries to check.
This was one of the biggest learning curves I've had in development yet, despite the lengthy time we had for a jam. I definitely made a lot of planning mistakes between asset creation to implementation @.@ I think I've got a good system for managing production time figured out now so I can continue with my project, which I've already started remaking!
Thanks again for the opportunity, Chaser! My kids are having a blast playing and rating so far. They're running the show now! Congrats, people!
Here's a sneak peek of asset setup in unreal. It's nothing special, just taking advantage of 3d capabilities and learning unreal's fun lighting system.
Also: What submission page? Here? If so what thread? On itch? If so where? Sorry if it's obvious.
@withthelove @VinnNo.0 thanks for the thanks, its a pleasure doing the jam for all you guys, and a massive thank you for taking part!
@withthelove, i think i checked everthing with the games and all seems OK, other than the ones that had some issues which i believe has been resolved, but i may have missed somethings so if you guys find something or not sure about then let me know as that would be a great help. thanks for doing the banner! its great!
@all once the jam is over i will create a topic thread to discuss the jam, i know there were some issues so hopefully that will give everybody an opportunaty to ask questions, get feedback, and we can hopefully make it better and clearer.
I was thinking of having a nomination evey year for someone to do the gamejam banner? just a bit of fun. I nominate you @VinnNo.0 :)
im looking to play the games with my kids too,did last year, is good fun, and kids can be brutally honest cant they, hahaha.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@VimmNo.0: The submission page for the art asset you used.
For example, I used Snabisch's song 'What a nice surprise' as the title music Yulpers, so you can see the comment I added to it's submission page here:
You don't have to prattle on as much a I did, just a quick 'I used this! Check it out: (insert link)' is fine.
And again, it's not at all required, just a nice to do, I know I personally love checking out the things people have done with the works I've sumbitted to OGA.
@chasersgaming: Oh dear! Going back and thanking Snabisch for all his great tracks and I realized I mis-credited one of the tunes. I put down his 'Around the World' ditty when I actually used his 'Celta World' song.
Looks like I should have started by auditing my own work! ;)
Anyway, pretty sure I asked this question last year, but am I ok to post a new installer for the game that fixes this even though we are in the voting period? If not, no big deal, I'll just add a note to the game page on itch.io and post the fix after voting ends.
@withthelove, I'm not sure the jam allows for updating submissions during the voting period. I think most people playing and rating won't take to much notice of the credit notes right now, only me and perhaps yourself so I wouldn't worry to much about it. You know you have made that mistake which you can correct at the end of the jam. Update files during this period could be misunderstood and considered 'extra time'.:)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@withthelove Oh, derp! I gotcha. I've seen people do that before, so I don't know why that didn't click. I probably won't do that, though. I messaged Mindchamber letting him know I used his stuff, so that's covered. Dropping a line on all four submissions feels like spam to me. Glitch or tinyspeck/slack wouldn't likely see it and I only drew three props based off of opp, so I'm not sure that's a good "see your stuff in action" sorta display.
But, if it narrows stuff down, here's what I used from OGA:
Effects and a few level props from Mindchamber's Jing.
Almost all the effects from Mindchamber's Pink Knight.
Explosion effects from Mindchamber's Night Strike.
Explosion effects and glowing orbs(?) from MindChamber's Heavy Terror.
Grass/ground, ferns and trees from Glitch, more specifically, Ix (though I think all of it was redrawn, if not most).
I used two leafs and a crystal from OPP 2017 Jungle (and caves), which was also redrawn(I may be off on the prop count).
@Chaser Maaan, kids are harsh sometimes, yes. I would like to go ahead and say that I mediated the ratings (at least softened the blow) and it's not just any of you. My oldest has some stuff to say about my game (and games) too, so she's not even bias lol
They've put up with me and even supported me by making refrigerator psychopomp fanart and sometimes telling me to work on it throughout this, so they get this.
@chasersgaming: thanks, that sounds like a fine plan. Totally get why submitting an update now might bother some folks.
@VimmNo.0: haha, that's a great story about your kids making refrigerator fan art for you! Any chance you'd be willing to share a picture of any of it? It's also nice to hear that they encouraged you to work on the game. Similar story here, I was actually technically supposed to be on a big family reunion vacation this past weekend, but when everyone else went off to the beach my oldest told me point blank 'no, we need to work on Yulpers'. To his credit, he stayed with me and actually made several levels for the game while I searched for songs to use for the different environments.
Also, I know what you mean about thanking someone for each individual asset. I just thanked Snabisch 9 times and it did start to feel like spam after a bit. I did it anyway but I might try a single PM next time, I hadn't thought of that before.
@all: Sounds like we are all a bunch of parents in here! I think that bodes well for me as the 8 and under crowd is definitely my target demo for Yulpers! ;)
@withthelove lol I'm definitely not a parent.
@VinnNo.0: Just watched the sneak peak, and all I can say is 'ooooh, that parallax scrolling...' :)
Looks great, tremendous sense of depth. I haven't played the GMS version yet so I don't know if it look similar but I can see why you were so excited about Unreal's pipeline for setting that stuff up.
@withthelove Oh, wow. I love the idea of working with my kids. I did, kinda, my oldest drew a couple of the mushrooms I used but actual level design? That's too cool! And yep, I have some of their refrigerator art in the credits actually. I took the picture with a grainy camera and tried to clean it up in Krita, so it's messy but it's there!
And yes, unreal is amazing so far! I'm going to have to tweak some of the level art so that it meshes with other levels(i drew them with the fact that it would be one room/scene at a time. In unreal they'll be connected and streaming), but it's coming along! I spent a lot of time trying to get GMS to handle the raw graphics I used and it still fell flat, imo. I have all of the images I used in GM loaded into unreal and it uses way less space(each room in unreal: 700ish kb, each room in GM: 8ish mb), I don't even understand it! I could even do a mobile port, if I wanted to! The parallax in the jam version isn't great, but it's there.
@VinnNo.0: wow! That size difference really is something! I know there are lots of good compression techniques built into modern video hardware that Unreal might be taking advantage of but a 10:1 compression ratio seems almost too good to be true!
I definitely did a pass 'tuning' my son's levels a bit, but he actually did a surprisingly good job. We've had Mario Maker for a few years now and my boys have created I don't know how many hundreds of levels for it, so my oldest definitely has some training. That's also the origin (and obvious template) for the level editor. Normally my level editors are strictly development tools, full of lots of quirks and behaviors that only make sense to me, as only I need to use them and so it rarely seems worth putting much polish on them. But for Yulpers, I figured 'why not model the level editor after something they know, then maybe I can encourage the boys to make a few levels for the game.' In making the level editor polished enough for them to use, I thought 'gee I should really just pack this in for anyone to use'.
As for the levels my son created, I mostly just had to edit out the silly ideas, like a giant stack of baddies that falls on Yulpers head as soon as the level starts and stuff like that. Otherwise, I tried to leave as much of his original vision in as I could. There's a 'cactus' in the desert level that is all Tobey. And as a fair turnabout, he did some editting on my levels too. Specifically making the last level a bit easier because 'I don't like it when it's too hard.' :)
@chasersgaming: Got a question on the ratings. How are we supposed to score the 'Art Challenge' rating? If I understand correctly, that one is supposed to be bonus points for using works from the OGA art challenges, is that right? Do we just give one star for each asset used or something like that?
It sounds like there has been a lot of cool stories from this game jam. I probably would not have finished if the people in my life had not insisted I keep going back to work on the game.
@withthelove Here is how I have been handling the "Art Challenge" ratings. By default everone gets a one star (because otherwise it won't submit the rating). If after playing the game I can look at this collection https://opengameart.org/content/oga-art-challenge and remember seeing any of those assets I add stars. I consider 6 assets from that collection to be a 5 star rating. In this method it is not just about using the assets, but using them prominently and memorably. That said I have given out a lot of one stars in this category. My game would get one too if I rated it. Though I think we are allowed to be subjective in our opinions. If I was wrong though let me know, because I have some reviews to change.
Has anyone else been getting a lot of antivirus complaints? AVG has pestered me on every game I have run on my computer. Yulpers is probably fine in case you were wondering. ;)
@withthelove yes just one star buddy, not ideal, but worked ok last year.:) unless they have indeed used the theme and art. Halle be asset, which case then you can raye it accordingly.:)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
It must be time to find a winner soon, right?
The winner will be announced as soon as the voting period ends. Il announce the fav winner soon after.:)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
This game jam was so disappointing.
Really? I thought there was some pretty good entries.
--Medicine Storm
I guess there were, but my own placement I find very disappointing and this makes me feel a bit exhausted after it.
You made a game that has no tutorial, plays like no other game I have ever seen, and uses right click to talk/interact. In addition to that the autoscrolling text is hard enough to read that I could not follow all of the conversations, the game does not have a propper ending and there is at least one bug that significantly shortens the playable section of the game.
Yet in spite of that you finished #5 Overall by vote (#6 by itch.io's calculation) and where winner of the OGA Favorite ( https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/oga-jam-results ). You did really well.
Yes, making games is a lot of work. Making the best game is even harder. You know that better than I do. So then what are you going to do moving forward? If you want to be the best you need to keep growing. What got you here will not get you there.
Alternatively, you can step back and look at the journey. What did you learn? Did you make any friends along the way? What about cool life experiences that happened while particpating? Game jams have so much more to offer than a number one next to the name of your game. Remember the only prizes in this game jam are the ones we made for ourselves.
I understand you are tired, I think most of us are, but even so do not be discouraged. You did a good job.
I wouldn't have said that if I knew! //''^^''//