OGA Game Jam#2
Hi everyone, sorry if i got you excited about another jam, its not happening yet, i just want to know what everybodys thoughts are on running a 'theme' this year?
Im going to make a few changes this time round after reading all the feedback, duration, rules etc, and one of the things that im not sure about is running a theme. obvouisly most jams had one, and the last jam i kinda incorporated some sort of theme by including the art challenges as an optional theme (at the time i felt that having a theme may isolate some assets being used) , but maybe you guys and girls would actually want a theme set for the jam. so nows your chance to say, yes or keep it as it was like last year. how would you want to select a theme? should this be something you want.
Jam now ready for participants!
is the sidebar thing too small to put two lines:
Running Now: XYZ Art Challenge (link)
Coming June 1: OGA Summer 2018 Game Jam (link)
Just having the links would be huge even if there isn't room for much text around them.
I guess wether the game jam counts as an Art Challenge or not depends on wether you consider games art or not, so it's good with me, just don't ask Roger Ebert's ghost ;)
Can do. Should I link directly to the itch.io page, then? Or should I link to this thread instead?
--Medicine Storm
@MedicineStorm: I think a link right to the itch.io page makes the most sense. That's the main page for the Jam. If there's a discussion thread (like there was last year), then we should just link back t
@chasersgaming: At the risk of making the wall of instructional text even taller on the Game Jam page, it might be nice to add a link to some of the recent art challenges, or maybe a link to a list of them (does OGA have such a list somewhere on it?). Just thinking of people that are new to OGA, or otherwise unfamiliar with how to browse all the challenge entries.
Isn't there already a list of links?
--Medicine Storm
@withthelove, there is a link to all the recent 'art challenges', and a link to a collection folder with all the assets created for them. :) unless there are other art challenges I've missed?
@medicinestorm that's them, :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
oops, I somehow missed the fact that those were links, sorry about that!
yeah, they were a bit shy, ive made them bold and mentioned they are links now. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Also, any (most) art that was submitted as part of an Art Challenge has the tag "challenge". This includes all the much older art challenges as well: https://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?&field_art_tags_tid=challenge
--Medicine Storm
Is there anywhere you can see a clear breakdown of the rules?
They seem to have gotten ass complicated, I was hoping I could just make a game, enter it into the jam, and call it a day.
the "the rules" section of the itch page seem pretty straightforward to me. Maybe they could be given a summary header for each rule?
Would that help?
--Medicine Storm
Oh! That's where you have to go to see the rules, ok, I will read that ^^
Most jams have rules, I think the rules are fine and not 'ass complicated'. There there for a reason.
make a game,
use mimuim of 6 assets from OGA.
have a credits page.
no offensive content.
have fun.
submit game.
not hard at all.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Oh. I see. Confusion over where rules were listed. Chasers, are you able to edit the OP to include a link to the new itch game jam landing page?
--Medicine Storm
Oh I see too, er yeah I think so, didn't think to do that, give me a minute or two I'm just sorting Me kids out there dinner
edit. Done! :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I didn't ask for the rules to be changed or simplified. I just found it hard to figure them out piecemeal from reading 3 pages worth of forum posts.
Yeah, we dig ya @spring, sorted that now, hopefully that better for you and other. Sorry.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
> I'm just sorting Me kids out there dinner
haha, definitley been there before, I feel your pain! ;)
@withthelove hahaha, everyday job buddy, just wasn't as organised as i normally am. :) still hurts though ;)
quick mention about twitter:
there is a twitter handle for the jam #ogagamejam2, so those that are on twitter that take part in the jam, if you would like to share your jam progress on there then i will look for them via the hashtag and share/retweet them. Granted i dont have many followers but il still share anyway. its a good idea to use other hashtags too, like #gamedev as an example, but you probably know that anyway. i like to see progress and WIPs. (that sounds seedy) :)
@medicinestorm any joy with OGA's social sites?
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@WithTheLove:@Chasersgaming: no, still working on getting access to them. It's a bit like recovering a password to an email account that sends the new password to that email account.EDIT: wrong attribution. fixed.
--Medicine Storm
So, I've been hitting the arts pretty hard this month and before I finalize exports and stuff for the jam I just wanted to be sure that it's cool to have some potentially messed up scenery. Nothing xxx rated or anything but people hanging from nooses and decapitated heads... Actually, I think that's about as "bad" as it gets, but I may want to add a few more things of the like, last minute, if time permits.
Edit: This scene, is my biggest concern, I guess.
I think it's fine so long as you have a small disclaimer about the imagry on your downloads page. :)
--Medicine Storm
As a note since the Gam Jam is being hosted on itch.io we need to keep in mind their terms of service agreement (found here: https://itch.io/docs/legal/terms ). In particular section 3 and 4 are relevant to the games we upload.
In the document the clauses that I feel are most likely to cause challenges with a screen shot like that are the bans in section 3 on:
I kind of doubt that is your intent. So, if you are careful with your presentation I think it would be no problem.
<personal rant>
I would like to mention just because we can do something does not mean we should. You should think about your intended audience and how what you include or exclude will affect their experience. It may be that the art direction discribed above is absolutly necessary or it could be an unwanted distraction that drives users away.
I am honestly tired of seeing pointless violence. Please don't just leave them hanging. Make their lives (or deaths as the case may be) mean something.
Here are some examples of games I think used graphic violence well for different effects:
</personal rant>
What the hell am I gonna make a game about, I've no ideas.
@Saliv sadly violence is the easy path to fun game design :P
Fortunately, nothing about Venn's game concept could be considered unlawful, misleading, malicious, discriminatory, bullying, intimidating, harrassing, defaming, or threatening. I agree pointless violence isn't good, but that section of itch.io's rules is about being directed at a real person, not fictional game characters. Horror theme is none of those things. :)
With a disclaimer about content, no reasonable person would be driven away from the community due to offense unless they chose to expose themselves to content they know offends them. Do people who hate horror movies ever accidentally watch The Exorcist? I understand your rant, but I feel like Dark Souls lines up better with the above screenshot establishing a feeling of horror than as an example of not-pointless violence. The desensitization to violence you describe is what you want?
--Medicine Storm
Lol no there is no way that would break the rules if Saliv is implying that.
I think it actually looks pretty cool, kind of a BoI vibe but still original.
Yeah, no, it's not pointless. Its like, a part of the story, not completely unlike how the jumi's were hunted to almost extinction in LoM for their cores. So, it's basically genocide.
Here's a story boarding draft I did.
Post check
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
'Post check', sorry, i was using my ipad and sometimes it lets me post and sometimes it doesnt, so i did that to see if it worked,which it did, but then when i edited the post it wouldn't work. go figure.
@medicinestorm, thanks for responding to the questions, been a bit tied up with some of my projects, i appreciate your help. :)
@VinnNo.0, looks good to me, its comming on nicely! :)
@Saliv, thanks for joining the jam. I wouldn't worry to much about the itch stuff, im not saying ignore it, im just saying that i don't beleive it is monitored in such a way that it flags things to harshley. besides it will be down to the players whether they think something is apropriate or not and act occordingly. The same goes for your games you create as well. There are many genres that will suit some and not others, and one would assume that they will choose the game they want to play due to some preference maybe. same goes for the games you create, either for your own preferences or to a particular audience as you say. survice to say they will play it or they wont for whatever reasons. However i do share some of your concerns for violence in games, but it is a feature in games that is very popular these days and is enjoyed by many which is why we see it more and more. I like gory, violent games, but i also like many others, point n click adventures are my favourite, i beleive everything is good in moderation.:) However i am mindful and feel it would be good to have the notion of if we are going to have a violent bloody game or a game that would be considered a more adult theme,then we should do a reasponsable thing and let our users know about it, especially if a younger audience is passing by, or even participating because at the end of the day this jam is for everyone! which is why i suggested it. but it is in no means there to deter or stop the making of such games or kerb creativity for a feature. You can make what you want to, for you or your audience, and people will play it or wont for whatever reasons, and again its up to you(developer) to decide if something is appropriate or not. wanna make a violent game, do it, dont want to make a violent game, then dont. whatever you decide, im sure it will have had a lot of love put into it and i will play it whatever it is. good luck!
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@VinnNo.0: Yeah, no worries at all about the violence you describe. Although it helps that the creatures being so abused are adorable. Well, actually I don't know, maybe that makes it worse. :)
Either way, no worries, although as MedicineStorm suggests a small warning might be nice. Last year, I did play all the Jam entries with my two young boys, and was planning to do the same this year.
On a technical note, pretty sure what you are describing would be called 'fantasy violence'. I see that label on ESRB ratings a fair bit. Seems to be applied to games that have violence in a cartoon or otherwise abstract setting.
Ok, two more questions before the Jam officially gets underway.
First, I know we have already discussed engine and framework code and deicided that was ok to use for Jam entries. What about re-using and/or re-purposing code more generally?
I have written a fair bit of procedural world generation code for various other projects and was hoping to borrow liberally from it for my Jam game.
The code will have to be considerably re-worked and tuned to fit my Jam game but it will be a starting point, so I figured I should ask if that was ok with the community?
I know the simple answer would be to chose an open license and publish the code before the jam, but I have a myriad reasons for not doing that, not the least of which is that it's actually just snippets from several experimental and incomplete projects, so not really anything that's comprehensible to anyone but the author much less suitable for publication.
Anyways, I'm sure I'm not alone in this question. There's a lot of 'not quite engine' code that every game requires (state machine, movement/jump physics, etc) and it seems pointless to ask folks to re-code it all from scratch for a Jam that's about showing off OGA assets not coding wizardry.
On the other hand, starting from somewhere is always better than starting from nowhere and so could be considered an unfair advantage in the competition.
I guess the devil is in deciding where to draw the line between allowing sensible code re-use and allowing outright re-skins of existing games and asset-flip type stuff.
Secondly, the game I'm hoping to make for the Jam is called 'Medusa Must Die!' and I have to confess I did make a (very) simple prototype for it many moons ago. This was during a period when I was protyping several different game ideas trying to decide on which I should pursue for my next big project. I decided on a different game and shelved the Medusa Must Die! prototype having never gotten any further than extending surt's original ikaros set a bit and working up a simple 'player movement' demo where the player could walk left and right and jump about.
In the run up this year's Jam, I've done more work on the sprite set and released it to OGA. As far as the code goes, I plan to start a fresh project and not even look at the work in my prototype.
Still, I wanted to ask if this was ok with everyone?
I know enough about the protype to know it will not be useful in creating the actual game. Still, I suppose just having made a prototype once upon a time could be considered a headstart on making the game and I am happy to pursue another idea if folks think this would constitute an unfair advantage for me in the competition.
i absolutely get what your saying about pre written code,finished or unfinished. Like all jams really, say that all code must be made from scratch, blank canvas, and this is in keeping with the spirit of what a game jam is about. However, I have seen enough game jams, ludam dare,gm48, global, etc, that suggests to me that there is no way those games have been coded from scratch. And your right about wrighting a code and having to rewright them again for let's say a platformer that would pretty much be the same engine, just with a few changes in mechanics would seem like a total waste of time. But the time is the point really. I personally wouldn't know or how to manage/judge someone's abilities to start a project from scratch or whether they have just copied and pasted a code from their trusted ol 'notepad' software, so in general I would not know, and neither would anyone, we could only make an assumption really based on our own experiences and knowledge about game development and this I would suspect would reflect in someone's ratings/voting without actually making an actual accusation and starting a row with no actual prove of such things occurring in a jam. Think this is why most Devs video/live stream there development to prove its from the start date.
bottom line for me is this, make it from scratch and keep within the spirit of the jam ideally but I'm well aware that precoded lines are copied and pasted or reused, so I'm not going to jump up and down on people for doing so. For me your only cheating yourself if you do and not challenging yourself of your abilities of a jam. Secondly there are game assets that are code, would it be the same if someone was to use that code in a jam? It's a really tough one, and really needs to be up to the developer to consciously make that call. Ultimately, it's about the OGA assets being used, any game that uses them is a great thing. 4 weeks should be long enough for code to be written from scratch for a game, there's no time pressure to warrant any precoded copy and paste methods in my opinion, but it is up to you as developers. Will it be an advantage?, of coarse it will, but who's to say everyone will or won't do it? This will probably be a reason why some don't participate in some jams because it's known that some may use this method, but just have some fun guys! Do it for yourself, enjoy making your game, bring it to life! Gain some experiance, test yourself, whatever. :)
i personally will vote occordingly, so if I think something has not been coded within reason my votes will probably reflect that based from my own experiences. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I might back out from the jam if I don't get a decent idea in time :/
@spring, use the themes, they may help inspire, or scroll through the assets on OGA, something there may inspire you, how about a visual novel, or educational tool or just a tool in general, I know it's a game jam, but it doesn't have to be a game. What about an idea you had a long time ago, maybe resurrect it?
if anyone has an idea for a project, but arn't taking part in the jam, then feel free to tell us. Someone (maybe Spring) might pick it up and run with it. :)
idea: man/women on the beach with a metal detector searching for gems,coins, in the land. Finding stuff, take to a merchant, earn money, upgrade you metal detectors, unlock more lands, caves,grasslands, find special items, rare jewels. Very simple and basic, but could be fun. :) least it's an idea to work with.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@chasersgaming thanks for your suggestions. Maybe my lack of creativity right now is just a sign of lack of motivation.
Having sniffed around the forum of course, the entries I know about so far seem much more amtibitious and driven that anything I can come up with right now.
click until you find something that inspires you.
@chasersgaming: Well, I had a pretty big reply for you, including results of some looking I did to see how other Game Jams handle this question, but it all got lost when the submit ('Save') failed and the whole of my comment disappeared into the ether. So you'll have to get the brief version.
I looked at Lundum Dare, Global Game Jam, Weekly Game Jam and Once A Month Game Jam, and they're all pretty open about what they allow. Lundum Dare is quite explicit about allowing you to start with any 'base code' you want. The others are similar. The general attitude seems to be bring what tools you want to the table, the challenge is creating something new. OGAM sums it up nicely with the line: 'Starting a game is easy. Finishing a game is hard.'
There's so much that goes into making a game, it really does seem pointless to ask folks to do everything 'from scratch' for a jam. All you're going to see then is how quickly people can type. TBH, the challenge of making a game goes so far beyond writing code, if you focus on that element, you won't even be getting to what are the interesting questions (eg. gameplay, story, level design, etc, ie. making it fun!).
All that said, I think I'll start fish around for another idea to use for the Game Jam.
I am pretty jazzed to make Medusa Must Die! and figured the Jam would be a good excuse to finally do it, but given the prototype work, the code I'd like to re-use, not to mention the years spent day dreaming about the game design for it, I'd have a really hard time saying the game was something new made solely within the timeframe of the Game Jame.
@Spring: Looks like I'll be taking my own adivce here (clicks on https://opengameart.org/popular)...
I actually had a chat with SCay and she suggested that I could use these spaceship drawings she made
for a racing game, so I might do that actually.
(except I've just tested these and they actually don't work for me)
@withthelove, Dont be disgruntled matey, i have already said that i cannot second guess who has used precoded code(base code) and am aware that it happens, there is nothing wrong with doing so, i'm merely saying that is in the spirit of a gamejam. I would very much like you to continue with your project, so please do,and as you say theres a lot more to a game than the code, its everything else as well.:)
I apreciate that this is a gamejam and its a competition and its always nice to win things like these, but i feel that the 'Competition' aspects could be taken to seriously. I am liberal on the rules to some extent, this is not ludum dare or global game jam so im not as robust on things as maybe i could probably be, and this is only my second attempt at running a gamejam. Whats important to me is a community that comes together, shares ideas, make games, and have a lot of fun doing so. I want you make some cool and great things with the assets here, evolve you development skills and game ideas, test yourself, let your creative side flourish without the worry of doing things in the wrong way because a rule says otherwise. I havent mentioned anything in the rules about 'base code'. Do what you feel is best for you and your project, its not that big a deal i dont think, If you are not sure than drop me a line and il give you my honest opinion on it, but in general, just stick the rules of what has been written. If its not in the rules then assume its safe to continue.:) but if you want me to be a bit more clearer than that, il say this.
No programming until the jam starts. if you have prewritten code (basecode) then you cannot put it all together into a project until the start of the jam.
Sound better? im all for that. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
AHH, I can't think of ANYTHING I want to make a game about right now!!!
I guess I'll stop moaning about it, but there might not be any submission from me.
I have updated the rules to reflect the pre written/base code worry. :) hope it helps. Thanks.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@chasersgaming: Oh not disgruntled, sorry if I came off that way. I'd say I'm opinionated on the subject but not upset about it. A little bummed to be putting my Medusa Must Die! concept back on the shelf but I've actually already come up with several other ideas to go with instead. Going to sleep on it and pick one in the morning. And yes, the link did help me, sorry it didn't work for you Spring. :(
@withthelove You brought up a very valid point, one that I hadn't really given much thought about as it didn't come up in the last jam, and that jam went well. But it needed addressing now as you had concerns and I'm sure others did too. I hope by updating the rules page about the base code issue it is more understood. I'm pretty bummed to hear that your not continuing with your game because of this and others not to participate as well. But at the same time glad your still participating. Have a sleep on it and maybe reconsider, I would say the same to others reading this thread. At least next year we will know where we're at. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@withthelove I want to make somehting using these
but if I'm just making an Arkanoid clone it'll be too simple and it can't win.
Last year's oga Jam was my first Jam and I've done (attempted?) 9 since then and honestly, I like fresh starts. I've learned to make cleaner systems, in a shorter amount of time. Planning and time management has been my biggest gain this past year or so. I had a huge project I was poking away at from 2014-2016 but looking at it now... I don't wanna mess with it because it is a mess compared to how I structure now.
@withthelove I GUESS what I'm getting at is that you might be able to make a better base to build medusa must die on, than what you did 'many moons ago'. If you've prepped/organized, most of the work is importing and coding and a month to do so. Just a shot in the dark.
@spring You should totally do a breakout game. You make awesome music, so maybe it can be a music-based breakout? Like the blocks change colors to the beat and like uh... The ball's color can be changed with a button press, and it needs to match the block (which is changing to the beat) to damage/break the block? Another whacky mechanic that comes to mind is when you mess up (or mess up too many times) the camera rotates, or flips? I dunno. That's just a few things I might try with it.
@VinnNo.0 I think I have conjured up an idea based around breakout actually!
You awake one fateful night to find your bedroom barricaded and all of your family gone. Luckily, you're armed with a nice soft pillow and a bed running on tank threads and have the ability to curl up into a ball. You'll need to bounce from your bed to repeatedly smash into the attic in hopes of breaking the barricade. Then, hurry to rescue your family and the other creatures in your village and ultimately try find the evil force that blocked you in.
I wanna make a breakout clone which has a little bit of story to it. Sounds like a good concept?
Oh yeah, thanks for the compliment about my music, totally missed that, XD
The jam is well underway now. Good luck everyone and enjoy yourselves! Don't stress and take breaks. Look forward to playing your games.:)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@Spring: I love it! 'Bedtime Breakout!'
I knew you'd find some inspiration on OGA. :)
@chasersgaming: I think the new rule about pre-written code sounds good. Honestly, unless you want to start getting hyper persrciptive about what tools people can use, I think this is the only approach that makes sense. I suppose this is going to sound cranky-old-man, but really, the idea that anything done with Unity or GameMaker was 'made from scratch' is preposterous.
Actually, what I was planning for the procedural world generation code would have fallen right within this rule. I have some code that would be useful for the game, but I wasn't going to start putting all the pieces together until the Jam started. The code wasn't written specifically for the game, so it's not like I was trying start coding for the game beforehand.
The prototype by constrast is more problematic as that literally was coding the game before the competition even if it didn't amount to much more than some basic platformering code.
@VinnNo.0: 9 jams! you've been busy! As far as code orginization goes, I definitely know the feeling when it comes to looking back at old projects. Fortunately, over the years I've learned to write pretty atomized code, although that's actually what's causing the issue here. I have a bunch of well generic code that would be great to reuse for the game. If it was more customized or tweaked out for my existing projects then it wouldn't be worth the trouble of re-using.
@all: Don't worry, Medusa Must Die! will live someday, just not for this Jam. At the end of the day, I think this is one of those things where just asking the question revealed the answer. 'So I got this game idea I've been developing for years, it'll use a bunch of code I already wrote, plus I made a prototype already, that'll be cool for this 4 week game jam, right?' Yeah, maybe not.
But it's no problem, I already have a bunch of other ideas for the Jam. Still narrowing the list down this morning, I'll post to the Hype thread when I decide on one.
@withthelove thanks, I'm having high hopes for it right now.
@chasersgaming, there's no rule that your game has to be able to compile for a specific platform in order to participate, right?
@spring, hmmm, i dont think so. as long as it can be downloaded and played by the user it shouldnt be a problem, or web version. but it might be problematic if they cant play becasue they dont have the version to play it on. safe bet i would defo do a windows executable.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |