Friday, August 5, 2011 - 22:46
Art Type:

Quick track I did for the initial release of the Lovelace map for Tempest in the Aether.

Quick track I did for the initial release of the Lovelace map for Tempest in the Aether.
Could you please add audio previews?
You included the sources? Amazing!
Can you tell us where the sources are from though? It might be impossible to redistribute the sound clips under the licenses accepted on OGA.$ tree .
|-- Contents
| `-- PkgInfo
|-- Media
| |-- Concert Hall Piano 10.aif
| |-- Escape A French Horns.aif
| |-- Escape B Flute.aif
| |-- Escape B Flutes.aif
| |-- Escape C Bassoon.aif
| |-- Escape C Clarinets.aif
| |-- Escape C Oboe.aif
| |-- Escape E Flutes.aif
| |-- Escape F Flutes.aif
| |-- Escape G Violas.aif
| `-- Images
|-- Output
| |-- arrange_screenshot.tiff
| `-- metadata.plist
`-- projectData
Garageband, you cant distribute the loops as a part only as a whole, just cant :
"You may use the Apple and third party audio loop content ("Audio Content"), contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software, on a royalty free basis, to create your own original soundtracks for your video and audio projects. You may broadcast and/or distribute your own soundtracks that were created using the Audio Content, however, individual samples, sound sets, or audio loops may not be commercially or otherwise distributed on a standalone basis, nor may they be repackaged in whole or in part as audio samples, sound libraries, sound effects or music beds."
A .band file is basically the one case you are legal to include them in as they clearly are "audio projects".
Great stuff! Thank you.