Super Quick (Playable!) Space Shooter!
Still in progress, but I thought this was kind of fun. I did this last night with a bunch of OGA assets. I wanted to play around with something different for an evening. Arrow keys + left ctrl to move and fire, or WASD and the left mouse button.
(Made for my laptop's aspect ratio at the moment-- fullscreen it to fix! Also, it starts as soon as it loads, sorry!)
I haven't put a credit page on the build yet, since it's nowhere near polished, and I don't know if I'll finish it. We'll see. Right now I'm only releasing the link here. :) The Brown Asteroid is a placeholder-- I'll sketch something larger if I feel good enough later.
Assets used:
Good Work...
Thank you!
I rewrote a bunch of the scotch-taped classes and such since then. Most of the changes are invisible, but I gave the big asteroids hit points and changed my formula for breaking and scattering. I also added a 'press to start' at the beginning so it doesn't just barrel into play.
Is there any interest in me continuing this?
A simple but fun game with nice particle effects! It gets hard quickly, but that's not a bad thing at all, I think.
Interest in you continuing this?
Hmm, I could see the game being extended a bit with some stuff, but I don't think it should be too complex. It's nice with a little breather game without too much of a learning curve or complex mechanics to understand.
^^ Thank you, Spring! No, I wouldn't make it a huge project or anything.
Immediate to-do list I had in mind if I worked at it a bit more:
Adding an endless mode, enemy ships, and short term weapon and shield drops might be fun someday, but that's not something I'd reach for immediately. :)
Good luck! (also with your health :P)
I'm not sure I think all the different weapons and enemies thing is really recessary, but it's your game after all.