which one is better? A or B?
I prefer A but what you guys and gals think?
they will be 32x32 in size give or take a bit for animations when finished.
which one is better? A or B?
I prefer A but what you guys and gals think?
they will be 32x32 in size give or take a bit for animations when finished.
I like A. Seems more like a face.
--Medicine Storm
A is also better in my eyes. Is it a football player?
I also like A better. I have one small piece of feedback regarding the left arm(left arm from my view). I feel like the whole arm should be moved back a pixel, because otherwise the perspective looks a little bit wonky
- #1 in the OpenGameArt Summer 2017 Game Jam-
thanks, glad you agree!
@spring yes they are football players. I looked around on the internet and i couldn't find any Pixel art sprites sheets anywhere for football/soccer player animations, even spriters resource didnt realy turn up anything, everything else i found was fan art, so i thought id have a go at doing some. :)
@redvoxel, yes your right, it did look a bit odd, so i changed it up, hopefully the finished ones will be better.:)
I apreciate all your feedback, thank you.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I really like that field! Nice and chunky.
Could be cool to see more sports inspired assets, I'm personally doing stuff for a punch-out clone right now, though that can hardly be called a sports game :P