3D Furniture Pack [new]
Sunday, January 14, 2018 - 03:14
Art Type:
3D low-poly furniture clay-models made in blender.
- .blend files
- .obj files (and .mtl)
- .fbx files
Assets Catalog:
- 2x beds
- 6x chairs
- 5x cupboards
- 1x desk
- 2x lamps
- 3x sofa
- 3x stool
- 6x tables
Note: Models have no materials (yet).

This looks surprisingly great for such simple models, I like them!
I think it would work great in a more abstract (artistic-wise) game; something similar to Introversion's Subversion concepts: https://i.imgur.com/XcC4BJP.jpg
Also reminds me of the offices in the Portal 2 trailers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-613xPNkVQ
Ty :)
And that trailer was amazing.. I liked the art so much!
Awesome style! Thank you for sharing :)
Really nice group of furniture assets. They really fit into the aesthetic I am going for in my current project. One piece of constructive criticism I could give is that each file contains the Camera and Light from Blender. I know this is not really an issue. I just thought I'd let you know. Thanks again for the great art!