Great Boss
Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 16:35
Art Type:

I mean, it's a theme for a great boss, the song itself obviously isn't great or anything. Why is it always that the most unimaginative and repetetive songs, are those that also sound the best?

Great job probably your best piece yet
Thanks! But I find it sorta funny that this is really the best, it's not very imaginative, I feel. :/
Assuming that you are playing by ear. Just assuming not implying.
You can play with the modes of the major scale Ionian and Aeolian to spice up your music if your getting bored with the major scale. Start with the key of c. For example all the white keys on a keyboard are the c ionian if you switch scales (otherwise its the major scale). When most people learn the modes they think the modes that compose the major scale which are different keys but in reality what you need to do is play all those modes at the key of c. You can also think of switching to the c aeolian as the Eb major. Also you dont want to switch keys until a complete chord progression is played. Another thing you want to keep in mind is if you want a more softer tone learn your 7 chords like major 7 minor 7 and 7th chords.
Here is the c ionian scale
and here is the aeolian also known as the natural minor
you can also use the most common chord progression found in music I IV V
basically the "I" chord for c ionian is the first note in the scale which would be C you just play that note as the lowest note in the chord and play for example the 3rd note, 5th note and the 7th note to make a c major 7.
the IV chord is the fourth note in the scale which would be the 4th note in the scale as your root note for the chord.
and 5 the fifth note of the scale same thing as previously.
another thing that might be useful is knowing your triads of the scales or chords
here is a link on all the chords for the ionian and aeolian(or natural minor)
hopefully that was helpful if not just ignore what I said and have fun
If your going more for a legend of zelda kinda thing you can always use the lydian with the ionian
Nice and interesting suggestions. :)
I'm pretty bad at scales and music theory in general, however, I have tried out the "church modes", for some of my earlier songs, and I'm especially a fan of mixolydian, actually, however, I don't find it has that "rocking" chiptune feel I was trying to create here. Another ones that I'm great fans of are C# minor, D minor, and F minor as far as I remember.
But mostly I just make tracks to have fun, just playing whatever I can think of off the top of my head, and the theory kinda takes a backseat to that. And I'm ALWAYS thinking in octaves and fifths :P
I'd like to use your advice in a song someday but , it should be in a piano composition or something first, not a chiptune I think. :)
it sounds like your using the modes of the major scale already your just shifting the tune a half step upwards or downwards in different parts of your songs. C aeolian to D mixolydian for example.
For rock rythm only get rid of the 3rd and b3rd notes out of your chords were its neither minor or major and play diminished chords to make it darker. I use to play metal and rock all the time. You can do it by ear but the 5th chords are important. If you know your major chords you take out the middle note
heres an example of c major
and now its equivalent 5th chord or power chord
I actually rarely ever use major chords, I honestly don't really like the sound of those, nor minor chords in chiptunes. The fifth and fourth chords, and root+fifth+octave, I tend to use a lot tho. Maybe too much...
Diminished ones (you mean root+4th+7th, right?), I don't think I've ever really used in any of my songs. Maybe I should try it.
diminished 5ths and augmented 5ths
used in metal but can be used in hard rock as well they sound darker and will add spice to your pieces
Hmm, I'll keep it in mind, I guess.
Lol, you might not think much of your song, but after hearing it, I got convinced to change my SFX and BGM selection to fit more of an 8bit style XD.
I know I'm not very hard to please when it comes to videogame music, but one could easily fool me into thinking this was an actual boss theme for a NES game (such as the Ninja Gaiden trilogy for instance).
I plan to use the prototype game that I'm making to show potential employers what I can do in terms of Game Programming, so is there a source other than this site that you'd like to show up in the credits?
Not really, but thanks for your kind words!!! ^V^
The thing is, it's sometimes very hard to evaluate the quality of your own products, I at least very often think them inferior than what other people see.
Yeah, I totally understand you on that point: I always think of my work as of lesser quality than what I see (more like something that was put together than something commercial worthy) and I'm just learning that I can't think like that anymore. Unless I plan to stay jobless forever that is :P
I suppose so. Anyways, I'm glad you can use it. :)
Ok, so I have to take a moment here... this theme really gave me the idea and the inspiration for the boss in which it plays in my game. Upon hearing it I instantly knew when, where and how I wanted to use this track. I really appreciate you taking the time to make this track and putting it on oga for use. I seriously loved this track and it really gave me the motivation to finish the boss it accompanies.
Here is a link to the game I used it in if you want to check it out:
The game doesn't seem to work for me :P
Nonetheless, I'm glad you can use it! Thanks for your nice comment :3
- and yeah according to others this is also one of my best themes, it also has many more comments than any of my others ^^
Sorry, that was the wrong link, try this one:
I can see the game now but can't download it, it says it's not available in this country :P (I am in Europe)
Oh dang, well hopefully I can get Google to let me release it there soon :(
When i make a asset package for UNITY3D ASSET STORE, can i use it by CC0 with no creadit link and another limitation?
And is it passible that it is used to be a part of asset package?
you have CC0 and CCBy3.0 so i am confused.
i'm inde developer...
asset managements are so confused. one is ccby3.0, another is cc0.
sometimes i don't know what is what?
where are this asset from.....
my other asset is
i'm waiting for your answer.
Hi, I'm changing it to just CC0, feel free to use it for anything you want, no credit is required, just don't claim you made it yourself ^^
I sincerely thanks you.
no problem tbh ^^