Gaming Console Controller [Buttons]
Monday, December 18, 2017 - 12:08
Art Type:
Currently working on a game, will only be using some buttons, but thought you guys might need them all so just finished it. :)
As most of my art it's CC0, so you can do WHATEVER. Though I would really appreciate being credited.
Sizes vary from 32x32, to 32x16, and around that range. Could probably be scaled if you want, but should be fitting for a pixel game.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If it's possible, credit "zaphgames"

Not really sure but using "xbox" and "xbox360" names might cause problems
I made sure to check out if others used it beforehand as here:
It's 3 years old so I doubt I'll get in trouble, but thanks for telling me! ^^
There's plenty of similarites online, plus I can name plenty of games that aren't affiliated with Microsoft that have used or is using these graphics, it's neccesary for my game to explain how the controls work. I can agree if I put a ton of copyright on it, it wouldn't neccessary be right, but it's CC0, anyone can do whatever.
So I would appreciate if you took me off and everyone else from your "Submissions with issues" list. :) Otherwise I would like you to e-mail me at "" what issue you have with it, and I'll gladly answer all your questions.
Showing the buttons is necessary to educate the player on how to play the game, and the artist is not claiming ownership. Use of these buttons also has no effect on the market value of Xbox controllers. I can't imagine this being ruled as anything other than fair use if a legal issue were to arise, and even if someone in some legal department thought it was infringement, it's so miniscule that it wouldn't be worth the cost of trying to hunt these assets down and remove them, though such a claim would fall flat before it ever got off the ground, as developers have never needed to ask permission to show buttons in order to teach players, and it would only hurt a controller manufacturer to make such a requirement. No one would want to support a controller if they have to ask to support it.
It is a personal collection for the users.
It is just a heads up about potential issues.
I will change the name to make it less offensive.
Showing buttons are fine.
A common shape of controller is fine.
having brand names in the title and description is fine (they're trademarked, but not trademarked characters)
Logos and brand names in the artwork itself are not fine.
Sorry guys, mold has a point. I'm not saying this should be taken down or something, but we need to be careful about including brands and logos in this stuff. I would feel a lot better if those components were removed, which leaves the art still useful and in-tact. Not claiming ownership is not really a valid reason to release trademarked logos under an open license. Nor is the triviality of the IP violation or the unlikelyhood of getting sued for it.
Using the artwork with the logos in your games is indeed fair use, but the problem is not about fair use. By posting logos or brand names under an open license like CC0, you're not just saying "you can use these under fair-use conditions only", you're also saying "you can use these for whatever you want, like using them as your own brand for your game!". If there was a "fair-use only" license, this would work a bit better. Again, developers don't have to ask to use such logos in the games that are played on xbox or whatever because that is fair use.
Fortunately, in this case, the artwork itself contains no such brands or logos. This is fine. I recommend not using brand names to describe the art (after all, developers might use these buttons for non-platform games) but I'd say this is fine as it is. Mold's general point isn't wrong though.
When it's released on CC0, I'm letting players modify the art. Meaning the can add for example the PlayStation's controller layout, switch the buttons or colors which is also why I left the letters on there, so it can be modified to fit whatever game you want to make. Well, you are allowed to use them as your own brand for the game? I mean I cant stay "I MADE the XBOX 360 controller" but I can say "I made these buttons to illustrate what buttons you need to press in order to do something in my game." I think it's really silly to say that I should switch the name of this artwork because it features specifically what it's made for, The XBOX 360 Controller created by Microsoft, with accessiblity to use it in indie games and so on, otherwise I think plenty of indie devs should have a lawsuit at there necks. I should be able to say "My game has is use-able with the XBOX 360 Controller", without someone commenting on my game or flagging is as I violated someone's T&C. I honestly do not see the issue Medicine for you to write me a long piece of text, by finishing off with "Fortunately, in this case, the artwork itself contains no such brands or logos. This is fine.", because I really dont see the issue with it. Because there isn't an issue.
If people want to use it for something else then XBOX, great, the search engine should catch on to "Controller" in that case. ;)
I'm gonna let 90 % of my art at least be CC0 and let people do whatever they want. This is after all OPENgameart, as in 'free' or a place you go when you have $0 and either want art or to get inspired.
I'm not gonna change anything unless what I'm doing is wrong. I appreciate your "recommendation", but I'll keep it this way.
I think all that was a 'potential issue' was the Xbox brand logo you had included. Using a trademarked symbol associates that there's an affiliation, or endorsed by that brand logo. You do not have the rights to use those trademarked brands or logo to do what you like with them regardless of what your use is for them, even for demo purposes, it's the same for Facebook,Twitter etc because those trademarked brands and logos are not Free or open for public domain use. It protects you and opengameart to remove it and keep things as you say open, and for all that use your work that all contents within that work are open and can be used openly without a copyright infringement. Your right as well ,many people do do it, but they shouldn't with permission, and in some cases, some do have permission but you wouldn't know. It's very hit or miss but opengameart is aware of this and has a responsibility to check where they can, it protects you, it's users, and itself. :)
anyway that aside, it's very cool work and It's very useful and thanks for releasing public domain.look forward to seeing your other work. :)
I like your art aswell. It's a skill to be able to do NES-styled art IMO.
I used to be in the football team of my college, so I am fond of playing football video games, as it help boosting my spirit and makes me happy from within.