Bluegrass Tileset + Backgrounds
Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 13:31
Art Type:
Here's a small tileset. The reason why there is so much empty space is for future tiles to have space in my texture atlas. In case you were wondering.

I really like the color choice & shading.
I might make my entire game with this color palette.
Oooh. You added more tiles. :)
Added mountain backgrounds now, too ^^
Very nice!
Added a cloud to the tileset, but I have to say I find it strange that no one here had made a decent cloud tile before me, still, I couldn't find one :P
That looks really good against the mountain background.
Oh, thanks, but I think it could be improved, I was actually hoping someone here had done it before myself.
i have my doubts about 16x16tiles.png - while not ripped directly from the game, it's an obvious derivative work of SMB1. Not sure if I should keep it posted.
Did you make it yourself? I think it looks different enough to be fine. The block looks quite similar, but on close examination one can see the differences. It's such a simple design though, that I could see other people creating an identical tile without even being aware of SMB.
SMB1 tileset:
Yes, it was made by me.
I think it's fine, personally. You're just concerned about licensing because it is similar to SMB1? Sounds more like inspiration than derivation to me (I think I saw MedicineStorm say something similar before).
I guess so. I extended it a bit with a few extra pipes, also.
If you're really not comfortable with it then maybe you would feel better changing it. But, I think it looks fine. That's just my opinion though. :)
It's looking really good.