Face expressions feedback
been having a play around with some facial expressions, would like to know what you guys think, and be interesting what expressions you think they are. i wont say what ive tried to do, if you say what you think they might be then il know im doing OK. :)
any suggestions for improvements would be cool as well. :)
They look great!
from top left to bottom right, I believe they are:
1: Bored
2: Disgusted
3: Screaming
4: Happy
5: Disappointed
6: Derped out
7: I don't really know
8: Angry yell
9: Cocky smile
10: Cheeky wink
@spring thanks!, its quite difficult this. :)
OK heres what i was going for.
1) just normal but 'Bored' is good
2) Snigger/ Disgusted, that about right!
3) Screaming/ Shock / Scared, thats good too.
4) Happy, nice easy one.
5) Dissapointed/ Sad, thats good.
6) er, not sure where i was going with this one, but i like 'Derped', or maybe drunk perhaps.
7) Sinister / angry
8) Yeh, Angry, angry yell, lunge.
9) Wink
10) Smerk,
Not bad that, obvously theres work on these to be done, so il keep playing around and see if i can get some more expressions, and make these look more as they should be(at least to my ability). I know these are just heads so it may be difficult to get right without the gesture of another body part. fascinating body language. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
i dont have many friends, so thought i would make some,hahahahhaha. this is so much fun :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Looking good!
I'd suggest toning down the yellow on the middle skin tone a bit, though?
@ElizaWy thanks! Still just playing around so the colours arn't set in stone. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |