Tile Set Pack 17
Saturday, December 9, 2017 - 17:26
Art Type:
isometric tile set for outdoor environment. 16 x 16 tile size.
enjoy! :)
more available on my website :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
free to use as you want, no credit required although appreciated. :)

very nice! if I may suggest, perhaps you could choose a light direction and give different shades to the vertical walls pointing to each direction?
i did create a layer for shadows, but didnt include it with this as its a smaller version of the tiles set. its only black with the opacity turned down. i kinda thought that the user could make one at their own convenience and then they could choose the direction they wanted. Im all for adding a layer to this to add the shadow effect if its something you and others feel it would be helpful to include. Thanks for your feedback, i appreciate all comments. :)
I have updated the tile set to include tiles for shadows. (FREE tileset 17 v2)
i have also left the original there too. hope it helps. :)
wow it sure makes it pop! thank you very much
Have you released anything isometric before? I think all the tilesets of yours that I have looked at were orthogonal or sideview. Looks great!
yes i have, the first attempt wasn't that good i dont think so i had another go. Im trying creating works that are more universal that cater for most 'Views' in games. so far we have the 2D side scrolling, the orthometric and now the isometric versions of my tilesets, next is a 'Psuedo' type and then a view like you see in 'Crossey road', (cant think what its called). then i will move on to the character animations in various sizes(32x32,64x64,96x96) again that have movement in all directions that match the views, and everything else as well,icons,objects etc. Hopefully by the end of next year(2018) i will have a nice collection of artwork that can be 'Mixed and matched' to create games in all sorts of views for most kind of genres. :)
Wow. That's a lot of work. And you release it all under CC0?
Yep, im still novice, but improving all the time. so if its not that good in places and needs improvement it can be easily editted or modifyied by the user with no licensing headaches. think my work at the moment strikes a nice balance between 'game ready' and 'place holder' assets and having them CC0 licensed gives them a more of a 'universal' usage and its just a nice thing to do! sharings caring right? :) its a win win. well i think so anyway. :)