[Audio] Sound Design / Music Production - Chirp Chirp Sounds
Hey there!
I'm an independent sound designer / music producer who creates audio for games, animations, films and also works as a ghost producer.
If you ever need anything audio-related (Music / Sound Design / Audio Integration / Adaptive Music / VO / Audio Editing etc) please feel free to message me. I would be happy to contribute!
You can look at my work here:
e-mail: contact@chirpchirpsounds.com
Looking for projects!
Check out another my sound design + music demo video
Music Production / Sound Design
Just finished working on the game "Tower of Beauty" (music & sFX)
Here's the gameplay video
It was fun!
You can download the game here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.mygamesisland.TowerOfBeauty
e-mail: contact@chirpchirpsounds.com
Music Production / Sound Design
Here's the sound design for the upcoming game Magic Mountains.

The work is still in progress.
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out Fast Track - a challenging game filled with non-stop thrills and obstacles.
Was happy to make a sound design for it!
iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fast-track/id1240885409?mt
email: contact@chirpchirpsounds.com
Music Production / Sound Design
Btw check out Chirp Chirp Sounds website: http://chirpchirpsounds.com/
You'll love it!
Music Production / Sound Design
You have some cool music! But I like how you also make the sound effects stand out.
I don't really have a projects currently in the works tho, I'm a bit stuck in terms of ideas. Still, props to you :)
Thanks! And good luck with your proj!
Music Production / Sound Design
No problem! Thanks!
Hi there!
Today I want to share with you another my sound design work. The game is called Brick Shot 2 by Umbrella Games
Shoot the bricks, pump up the music and beat your friends!
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.umbrella.brickshot
iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/brick-shot-2/id1244611552?mt=8
email: contact@chirpchirpsounds.com
Music Production / Sound Design
Made the music and sound design for this nice lil game:
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.umbrella.wobblers
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wobblers/id1167080874?mt=8
Music Production / Sound Design
Made the music and sound design for the Drake Escape.
Here's the trailer (the music in the traileris not mine :p)
Listen to the actual music from the game at my SOUNDCLOUD
Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.emicogames.drakeescape
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out an HTML5 PvP game I was working on as a sound designer.
OWN is a deathmatch game in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 with fast-paced games under 3min. Gameplay-wise, it's a crossover between MOBAs (you control one hero with a limited skillset) and Brawlers (maps are small, action pretty intense).
Here's the trailer:
Music Production / Sound Design
Here's my Demoreel:
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out some mysterious music for a "London City Detective" game:
Music Production / Sound Design
Here's a trailer for the upcoming animated short film called "The Law of Life"
Music Production / Sound Design
Sound Design for Robot Merge
Music Production / Sound Design
Sound Design for Hit The Moon! game
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out the secret music for "The Final Boss" game:
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/such-a-mess-g...the-final-boss
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1049670/The_Final_Boss
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out the Kickstarter campaign from our friends @Drowning Monkeys Games!

We had so much fun making music and sound design for their project called "Castle Kong".
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out a part of the music track for the upcoming experimental short called "Beam":
Music Production / Sound Design
Music tracks for the Castle Kong game
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/such-a-mess-game-music/sets/castle-kong-music
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/877330/Castle_Kong/
Music Production / Sound Design
Check out the track for the Hidden Doubloon game:
Music Production / Sound Design
Here's atmospheric track created as a commission for a story-driven RPG crawler:
Music Production / Sound Design
Cinematic Demoreel:
Music Production / Sound Design
Made interactive music and sound design for VolticPistol
Here's the trailer for the upcoming game:
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143570/VolticPistol/
Music Production / Sound Design
Some of the music tracks (made out of the interactive loops) for VolticPistol game.
The music intensity depends on the several in-game factors such as: the quantity of the enemies nearby, the health bar, the player's position on the map etc.
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/such-a-mess-game-music/sets/volticpistol-soundtrack/
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1278280/VolticPistol_Soundtrack
Developer's twitter: https://twitter.com/SunsetArctic
Music Production / Sound Design