Coin Animation [Bronze, Silver, Gold]
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 07:52
Art Type:
NOTE: This wasn't originally made by me. It was made by irmirx.
I'll link it here:
Though is was in a wierd size (in my opinion) so I scaled it down to 16x16, changed the color palette and added silver/iron?, and bronze coins.
I actually don't know how to add in GIFs here sadly, still kind of new to this. But I hope someone can use this! :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If you want to credit anyone then please credit irmirx. Based on

You can just upload any GIFs you make in the "Preview" field. But I prefer to link to them off-site in the description, like this:
If you upload them in the preview field, then they appear static until they are clicked on. I'll upload one as an attachment to demonstrate (I think it works the same way in comment attachments).
Edit: Nevermind, the attachment I uploaded is animated. Not sure why previews aren't animated by default.
Edit: Notice on irmirx's submission page, you have to click on the preview image to see it animated:
I really like the coloring on the iron coin.
If you would like & haven't already made one, you can use this animated GIF for your preview. Or I could make one that shows all the coin colors.
Wow! Thank you so much @AntumDeluge! <3
I just realized that irmirx's original coin is under CC BY 3.0 license. If it was originally CC0 when you made this remix, it is fine. Otherwise, this submission needs to be under the same or a compatible license, which CC0 is not.
Revision history indicates the source material has always been CC-BY.
Edit: Fixed, thanks!
Yes sorry, glad you fixed it for me MedicineStorm. Take care!