Molten Tileset
Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 12:17
Art Type:
This tileset was made for Orake Online, for a new lava based area where a minotaurs haunts the dungeons. It doesnt consist of walls, it's very simple, though there's tiles for different level of lava, and greek-ish pillars which can be used for decoration. Might add the spritesheet for the minotaur, if it's asked for. :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If it's used I'd like "zaphgames" in credits or somehow implementing it in your game. Maybe as an easter egg, or something. Other then that, enjoy!

Yeah I'm asking for the minoraur sprites. Please. :)
Awesome you like it! My very first asset posted here. I'll leave the two spritesheets though note:
Orake 2D, spriting works this way:
4 images for walking - in 4 directions
4 images for attacking - in 4 directions
Also the left and right walking is a bit terrible. But you can rework that if you like :)
Where was this when I was looking for a minotaur sprite? :)
Hidden in the depths of my messy desktop. ;) Hopefully it can inspire you! :)
Well, I probably would have used yours had it been available at the time. But since I couldn't find one, I created my own minotaur.
That one is nice aswell! Really like it tbh! :D
Thanks. :)